
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Bookish Wishes...

  • I wish there was a way to weed out the so-so books from the "So good!" books before I bought them, or checked them out of the library.
  • I wish I could find an affordable copy of 4-H Filly by Patsey Gray. It's one of my all-time favorite books from childhood. (I wouldn't mind getting my hands on a good copy of Summer Birds by Penelope Farmer either.)
  • I wish the same people who filmed that amazing version of Pride and Prejudice starring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle would film an equally amazing version of Laura Ingalls Wilder's books The Long Winter, Little Town on the Prairie, and These Happy Golden Years when Laura meets  (and marries) her future husband, Almanzo. (I'd watch that!)
  • I wish Suzanne Collins would rewrite Mockingjay (and make it end right this time).
  • I wish J. K. Rowling would create another literary world as wonderful as the wizarding world of Hogwarts and Harry Potter!
  • Most of all, I wish I had as much time to read as I have books.
Happy Reading!
(What's your bookish wish?)


  1. I love reassembling the books I loved as a kid. Although it makes me a bit grumpy at my presumptuous teen self who got rid of them in the first place!

    1. Seriously! What were we thinking back then anyway?

  2. Having as much time to read as books we have sounds like a wonderful wish! I wish that too. :-) And I second your wish about J.K. Rowling creating another world we can immerse ourselves in.

  3. I definitely want new books from Suzanne Collins and J.K. Rowling. And yes, more reading time!

    Happy reading! :)

  4. Ha! I wish all these things too!

  5. I hope you find a copy of 4-H Filly, too! Those childhood favorites are powerful things.

    1. They're the books that you never seem to forget.

  6. Ooh, that is a good idea about the Little House books! All I have is that cheesy TV series stuck in my head.

    1. Wouldn't those books make a great PBS mini series? I'd for sure be watching. (Because the TV series never got it right.)

  7. GREAT LIST!! I like your wishes. I would watch that version of the Little House books, too. And I keep looking for 4-H Filly, too. I always regret not getting it at the library sale when I was young, but I didn't understand that books didn't stay in libraries forever. Sigh....

    1. I hate that books don't stay in libraries forever...maybe that should be my next bookish wish. :)
