
Monday, August 8, 2016

Bookish Thoughts...

On Kipple.  This great word comes from Philip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (A novel I wasn't sure I'd like at first, but that ended up being a pleasant surprise.) According to Dick, "Kipple is useless objects, like junk mail or match folders after you use the last match or gum wrappers or yesterday's homeopape. When nobody's around, kipple reproduces itself...No one can win against kipple except temporarily and maybe in one spot...But eventually the kipple will again take over. It's a universal principle operating throughout the universe, the entire universe is moving toward a final state of total kippleization."  I think my desk is experiencing kippleization. Every time I turn around it has more piles, more papers, and more...kipple.

On distractions.  William R. Bradford once said, "We give our lives to that which we give our time." It made me stop and think. Do I spend my time on meaningful things like friends and family and pursuing my goals and dreams? Or am I wasting too much of it on things that don't really matter? (Like watching hour after hour of the Rio Olympics on TV.) It's good for me to stop and take stock once in awhile, to de-clutter my days and reprioritize my time. Because I am easily distracted. And time is precious. So is life. And I don't want to waste mine.

On zucchini.  I know there are a lot of people who don't like zucchini squash, but I happen to love it. And this summer we've finally grown enough of it that I can make all my favorite zucchini recipes:  zucchini bread (of course), zucchini chocolate chip muffins, lemon zucchini cookies, chocolate zucchini snack cake, zucchini quiche, zucchini pancakes, and zucchini relish. I even love to eat it plain or stir-fried with my dinner. So here's to an awesome zucchini summer!

Happy Reading!


  1. I knew it reproduced itself! Thanks for the kipple confirmation.

    Zucchini is a wonder plant, isn't it? Zucchini bread is my favorite treat. :)

    1. Kipple is a great word, isn't it? I swear it happens to my desk every night. And I love zucchini bread, too. :)

  2. Ha ha! Kippel I like it. I've been such a time waster lately. Really need to do better. Enjoy all your zucchini. I only ever make plain old bread with it.

    1. Wasting time is probably my biggest flaw lately, but I'm trying to do better. And I highly recommend trying zucchini cake or muffins...they're very yummy. :)

  3. I am going to start using kipple in conversation. And it really does seem to multiply, doesn't it? I waste more time than I should, I'm afraid. It's so easy to go down that rabbit hole. It's a good reminder to remember what's important and meaningful.

    Ooo! I love zucchini bread! I haven't had it in years . . .

    1. Kipple is a great word, isn't it? I can't wait to try it out at work...everyone's desks there always overflow with it. :) And for me, it's just not summer without a slice or two of homemade zucchini bread.

  4. Interesting! Kipple. It doesn't really seem like a hard word after reading your definition. :)

    And I've not tried any zucchini recipes except in salads and sushi. And it's wonderful that you're growing them yourself, too! :)

    1. It's surprising how versatile the unassuming zucchini has turned out to be. I've had a fun summer of baking (and eating!) the prolific green squash.

  5. De-kippling here, too, despite having recently KonMari'd my whole house. The stuff creeps back in! And having a new word to describe it -- that makes it more fun to deal with it.

    1. :D I know what you mean! It's a constant fight to keep the kipple out.

  6. Yes! I'm always confused by people who say they don't have time to read or time to do certain other things. You make time for the things that matter to you!

    We are having a zucchini summer around here too. We are part of a bunch caring for the garden at our church and we are rich in zucchini, tomatoes, and cucumbers! I've made zucchini bread but I'm going to have to look into zucchini pancakes.

  7. Kipple is a great word; I'm adopting it immediately. My entire study has been overtaken by kipple... not to mention my dining room table, the desk in the kitchen, etc. I swear the stuff breeds when you're not looking.

    I love steamed zucchini (with or without dill) and zucchini bread. But it's so easy to plant too much! My stepdad planted four zucchini plants one year. Then he and my mom went off to England for three weeks, just when the squash started to ripen. I was so overrun with zucchini, I was giving them away by the lunch-sack full—at church, at work... I even resorted to leaving them on my neighbors' doorsteps like an abandoned baby. I would ring the doorbell and run, so they couldn't refuse!

    1. Doorbell ditch zucchini--I love it! :D And I think kipple grows even more prolifically than zucchini. Because it's everywhere!
