
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Bookish frustrations...

  • Reading all the way to the end of the book only to find out that it's book one of a trilogy... and the other books haven't been written yet.
  • When a book is over 400 pages long, but only has enough story and plot for 300 pages at most. (Learn to edit, people!)
  • Looking up book after book from my Goodreads "want to read" list only to discover that none of them are available from my library.
  • Or when ALL the books I want to read are already checked out of the library. (Who are these people checking out the books I want to read?  More importantly, tell them to stop it!)
  • I also hate when the wrong character dies.
  • And when the girl falls in love with the wrong guy. Or worse, falls in love with two guys at once.
  • Getting constantly interrupted right at the best part of my book. (Leave me alone!  Can't you see I'm reading?)
  • But maybe the biggest frustration of all is when I can't keep up with all the books I want to read because there's just never enough hours in the day!
What frustrates you?
Happy reading anyway!


  1. Perfect list of the frustrations endured by readers!

    1. It's good to clear the air every once in awhile. :D

  2. Yes tell them to stop borrowing the books you want! How selfish of them! Why is it that when you are reading on a bus or train, someone decides they want to talk to you? It's so rude!

    1. :D I hate when people try to talk to me when I'm obviously trying to read. Can't they take a hint?

  3. Ha! Both the last two points definitely. I hate when I'm trying to read and really want to "get into the flow" and people keep interrupting me.
    My BF is very understanding and checks if I'm at the end of a page or chapter if he really wants to have a conversation about something.

    I can't keep up with my books ever...... I need more time!

    1. So glad I'm not alone! (And that is a really good BF.) Thanks for commenting; I love hearing from new bookish peeps. :D

  4. Yes, yes, yes and yes! I agree with you on all of these. Particularly that last one.
    I also hate when my library has nothing from my tbr list or if they do someone else has it. That's why I buy so many books.

    1. I'm having to buy more and more buys that I want to read, too, which leads to another frustration: Not Enough Bookshelves! :D

  5. Yes to all of the above!

    I also hate it when I have a stack of books in front of me but want to read the one book I CAN'T HAVE. You know? :D

  6. I just experienced a bookish frustration today! I started listening to an audiobook, and the narrator completely missed the mark on the accent, making Iowans sound like Southerners. I like Southern accents just fine, but we Iowans just don't have them. I had to bail. (I'll try the print version instead.)

    1. That would be frustrating. Funny how sometimes it's the little things that bother us the most! :)

  7. Yesssss!!! I loved this post, because I can relate to so many of them :) I hate when I'm reading a book and there's a mistake in it - it always throws me for a lopp for some reason. I expect mistakes in my ARCs, but not in the finished copy.

    1. I hate that, too! I figure if I know it's wrong, everyone else should, too. :)

  8. Great post! I agree with all of those, particularly the last two. Also, as I read a lot of historical fiction, I get frustrated with language that feels too modern for the time period.

    1. I've run into that, too! It's a little irritating, isn't it? :)

  9. I much prefer to know a book is a part of a trilogy or series upfront. Because then I can mentally prepare. I've had that problem too when my library doesn't have any of the books on my wish list. :-( And yes, I hate getting interrupted at the most inopportune moment in a book. It never fails either! Sometimes I lock myself in the bathroom just to finish a book in peace. Great list, Lark!

    1. Thanks! (And thanks for all your comments; I love hearing from you.)

  10. Totally agree with all of them! I'm bad with series books, especially those which are new-to-me authors and often I find myself reading in between the series and have to go back to reading the first book and by then I've to give up at some point because there're too many books to catch up on alongside with the other books I want to read. And yes, totally hate it when the library doesn't have the books that I want!

  11. What a great list! I have so many of these frustrations myself. What is up with other readers wanting to read the book I am reading? Knock it off people! And to my family...lunch time reading should not be interrupted!
