
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

On reading Wodehouse...

P.G. Wodehouse is one of those authors I've been meaning to read for years. So many people seem to love his books I always figured I'd probably like them, too, but for some reason I kept putting it off. Bookish procrastination is one of my many faults. But this month, I finally checked out a couple from the library and actually read them. I'm just sorry it took me so long. Because they're as fun and charming and humorous as everyone says.

Lisa @ TBR313, who's a great fan of Wodehouse, recommended two of her favorites:  Leave it to Psmith and The Code of the Woosters.  Sadly, neither was readily available at my library, although I hope to read both soon. Instead, I decided to start with Enter Jeeves which contains the first eight Jeeves short stories, and the funny and delightful comedy of manners, The Adventures of Sally.  

What can I say?  I loved them both. You can now count me a fan of P.G. Wodehouse, too. Here's a taste from each book so you can see what I mean.

From Enter Jeeves:  
Jeeves--my man, you know--is really a most extraordinary chap. So capable. Honestly, I shouldn't know what to do without him...I rely on him at every turn. I'm a bit short of brain myself:  the old bean would appear to have been constructed more for ornament than for use, don't you know; but give me five minutes to talk the thing over with Jeeves and I'm game to advise any one about anything.

 And from The Adventures of Sally:
Sally looked contentedly down the long table. She felt happy at last. Everybody was talking and laughing now, and her party, rallying after an uncertain start, was plainly the success she had hoped it would be....At her end of the table the conversation had turned once more to the great vital topic of Sally's legacy and what she ought to do with it. The next best thing to having money of one's own, is to dictate the spending of somebody else's, and Sally's guests were finding a good deal of satisfaction in arranging a Budget for her.

And up next?

Happy Reading!


  1. I'm not familiar with this author so thanks for bringing his name (and books) to my attention. :)

    1. He wrote in the early 1900s and his books are all light-hearted comedies of manners. And he wrote a lot of books. :)

  2. I love Wodehouse!! I'm so happy you enjoyed his books :) The Code of the Woosters is such a great story - you will LOVE it :) Jeeves is the BEST!!

    1. I've put it on hold at my library and am just waiting for it to come in. :)

  3. I love Wodehouuse and The Code of the Woosters, too! My husband especially loves anything by Wodehouse. :)

    1. I knew I was joining a very cool club when I became a P.G. Wodehouse fan. :D

  4. I haven't read the books or seen the BBC show with Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie as Jeeves & Wooster. Now, I do want to read a little Wodehouse!

    1. Give him a try! I don't think you'll be sorry. :)

  5. I haven't read either of these books, but I have read a few others by Wodehouse, which I enjoyed. I'll have to look out for both of these!

    1. I had a lot of fun reading The Adventures of Sally! :)

  6. I’ve never read a Wodehouse either. Maybe I should try one.

    1. They're not very long and I think they're fun and humorous. So if you're in the mood for that... :)

  7. I haven't discovered Wodehouse yet either! I enjoyed the snippets you shared and need to get to one of my Wodehouse books that's been on my shelf for ever!

    1. Isn't it funny how easy it is to put off reading the books that we own? It happens to me all the time. :)

  8. So glad to hear you like these books. I sadly have not read any yet, but I loved, loved the E.H. Benson Mapp and Lucia series and have heard that Wodehouse is similar in tone and amusement.

    I have seen a little bit of the Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie adaptations, which were hilarious, however. I have a bind-up of Jeeves and Wooster novels. Like you, I have simply been procrastinating!

    1. I love Mapp and Lucia! You're right, the tone of those books is very similar to Wodehouse's novels. :)

  9. Years ago I read Jeeves in the Morning and P G Wodehouse is such a wonderful writer and Bertie Wooster is an incredibly funny character all the more so because he doesn't realize how funny he is but the way he descibes what's going on in the book and his interactions with Jeeves, hysterical.

    1. Bertie Wooster is a great character! I love being in his world. :)

  10. Wodehouse is great, and I used to love his series about Blandings castle. I have not read him in ages, perhaps I should try to find his books again :-)

    Enjoy all the other Wodehouses still to read!

    Kind regards,

    1. Thanks, Bettina! I haven't read any of the Blandings books yet, but they're on my list. :)

  11. Wodehouse is delightful! I had to be talked into reading him, too, but am so glad I did. Glad you enjoyed his books, also!

  12. Your excerpts make me want to give Wodehouse a try. I am glad you enjoyed these books, Lark.
