
Friday, August 31, 2018

The Grand Sophy

Meet Sophia Stanton-Lacy.  Headstrong. Outrageous. And above all else, unforgettable. I wasn't sure I liked her at first, but she grew on me. And while I'd never want her "organizing" my own life, I thoroughly enjoyed watching her meddle in her cousins' lives. Especially the Honorable Charles Rivenhall's. Here are a few of my favorite quotes from this fun Georgette Heyer Regency romance, all about the redoubtable Sophy:

"Sophy would never be a beauty. She was by far too tall; nose and mouth were both too large, and a pair of excessive gray eyes could scarcely be held to atone entirely for these defects. Only you could not forget Sophy."

"We are all very fond of my dear niece...but she is too fatiguing. One does not know what next she will do, or, which is worse by far, what she will make one do that one does not wish at all."

"Sir Horace himself couldn't stop her, not when she's got the bit between her teeth."

"I have a great many faults, but I am not lazy, and I am not timorous--though that, I know, is not a virtue, for I was born without any nerves at all, my father tells me, and almost no sensibility.... I have not yet made up my mind just what I should do, but I may need your assistance in breaking this foolish engagement."

"...her determination once taken, no consideration of propriety would deter her from embarking on schemes which might well prove to be as outrageous as they were original."

Happy Reading!

P. S.  If you want to know more about Georgette Heyer and her many entertaining Regency romances, Helen over at She Reads Novels recently wrote an excellent post about her with links to all of her own Georgette Heyer novel reviews, so be sure to check it out!


  1. :) I've enjoyed several of Heyer's Regency novels and this one sounds like it will be a fun escape with an intriguing character!

  2. I want to work "too fatiguing" in to my day to day vocabulary! Like, I can't attend that meeting today. It is just too fatiguing". :D

    1. Ha. Love it. Work in general is "too fatiguing" for me. :D

  3. I can't wait to read this one! It seems to be one of Heyer's most popular books and I want to find out why. Thanks for linking to my post. :)

    1. Thanks for reminding me about all of Georgette Heyer's books I still want to read! :)

  4. Sophy sounds like quite the character, and a lot of fun. I do love historical romances so I'll have to check out her books. :)

    1. Heyer does a very good job writing romances set in the Regency period. And they're usually very humorous, too. :)

  5. Sophia sounds like quite a character! I still need to give Heyer a try. :-)

  6. She sounds fun and definitely worth reading about! I've heard of Heyer of course but have never read any of her books- I suspect that I might like them, from what I've heard. Love the quotes you picked- especially the second one. :)

    1. Thanks, Greg! I think Heyer is one of those authors definitely worth checking out at least once. :)

  7. This sounds like a great one. I've yet to read any of Heyer's books, but have a few in my TBR pile. I really need to find the time to try them. Love those quotes.

    1. Heyer is a great author! I have several other of her novels in my TBR pile, too. :)

  8. One of my cats is named The Grand Sophy :) I do enjoy this one, especially watching the Horrid Eugenia get her well-deserved comeuppance.

    1. The Grand Sophy is a perfect name for a cat! And I liked seeing Eugenia get her comeuppance, too. :D

  9. I haven't read a Georgette Heyer Regency romance but I think I've this book in my TBR pile. I guess I bought it after reading several good reviews at one point and I've left it together with a few others and have forgotten about it, lol. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, Lark. :)

    1. It's a fun read, especially if you're in the mood for a little Regency romance. :)

  10. I've read this one a few times, and it is enjoyable despite a few issues. I agree with you--Sophy is fun to read about and the quotes are priceless, but thank goodness I don't have a Sophy trying to arrange my life!

    I got a copy of Snowdrift (the renamed Pistols for Two) for Xmas last year and am planning on reading it in December. I need a dose of Heyer at least once a year.

    1. I can certainly understand needing a little Heyer in your reading life. :D I haven't read Snowdrift yet, but I look forward to reading it and all of her other books at some point.
