
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Haiku Reviews...

Free Space (Evagardian #2) by Sean Danker

Wanted by the Empire.
Kidnapped by Traders. The Admiral
(and his date!) are in trouble.

Space Adventure/Science Fiction .... 306 pages .... 4.5 stars.
(Excellent sequel to The Admiral... except for that cliffhanger ending. What's worse? My library doesn't own the next book!)

Diamond in the Rough by Jen Turano

For her first New York Season,
Poppy's grandmother hires a duke's son to tutor
her in all the social graces.
(Trouble, and love, ensue.)

Historical romance .... 347 pages .... 3.5/5 stars.
(This story is silly, sweet, light-hearted, humorous and fun.)

The Dinosaur Four by Geoff Jones

An experiment goes wrong
sending nine strangers back in time:
Death by dinosaur!

Time Travel Adventure .... 278 pages .... 3.5/5 stars.
(Gotta love those Cretaceous 'Saurs!)

Happy Reading!


  1. A great variety of books and they sound good too!

    1. These three books are very different, but I think that's why I liked them so much. :)

  2. Ooh Dinosaur four looks awesome. I love a good time travel story! Also Free Space- I never read the Admiral but I remember seeing good reviews. Hmmm...

  3. Great haikus!

    The Sean Danker is the one that catches my eye, and my library has volume three!

    1. Yay! I've requested that my library buy the next two books in this series; fingers crossed they will. :)

  4. Replies
    1. I do, too! They're so much fun to read about. :)

  5. I had such a fun time reading Jen Turano's book. It made me laugh so much. :)

    1. It was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed watching Poppy's and Reginald's relationship develop. They make a great pair. :)

  6. Replies
    1. :D It was the perfect haiku ending. (And true to the story.)

  7. Love "death by dinosaur." Of course I'm not surprised me and Laurie (Bark) think alike on that one :)

  8. The Dinosaur Four is still lurking on my e-reader! I do like the cover for Free Space. I like the use of vivid colour!

    1. You'll have to let me know what you think of The Dinosaur Four! :)

  9. I really liked The Admiral, so Sean Danker is always welcome. The haiku reviews are always fun!

    1. The Admiral was an awesome read! I can't wait to finish up this series. :)

  10. Hi Lark, have you heard of the Murderbot Diaries? I think you might like them. Your reviews of The Admiral Series make me think so. I loved them. Murderbot is the most adorable killer cyborg ever. My library has all three Admiral books available as ebooks and I am going to TAKE THE PLUNGE! :D

    1. I haven't read the Murderbot Diaries yet...but I've heard really good things about them. I'll have to make sure I get around to reading them this year. And with the Danker books, make sure you can get a copy of the fourth book in the series, because I think that's the one where the cliffhanger ending gets wrapped up! Happy reading. :D

    2. If it comes down to it, I will buy the fourth book. But I still need to get to reading the first one!

    3. Hope you like the Admiral as much as I do. He's such a great character! :D

  11. Oh, no! Cliffhanger and your library doesn't have the next one?! I hope you get your hands on a copy, Lark! I to like the sound of the Sean Danker series. :)

    1. I'm just really attached to the main character in this Danker series. And luckily, my library agreed to buy the next book in the series! :D So hopefully it'll come soon and I can read it.

  12. Death by dinosaur that sounds intense! Always enjoy your haiku reviews.
