
Thursday, July 8, 2021

The Gray Man by Mark Greaney


The Plot: 
Court Gentry is an assassin known as the Gray Man and he's very good at what he does. But his last job upset a lot of people, including the very powerful LaurentGroup. In order to save a billion dollar deal, they need Gentry's head. But they also know that to catch the Gray Man, they'll need all the help they can get. So they call in reinforcements and soon have ten strike force teams from all around the world hot on Gentry's tail. On the run, alone and injured, Gentry can't even trust his own handler to help him. In fact, everyone seems out to double cross him. But he's not the Gray Man for nothing. 

My thoughts:  This book reminded me of the Jason Bourne movies: lots of action and a high body count. It also has a main character I found easy to root for. Because despite his job, Court Gentry is a man with his own code of honor, who only hunts down the bad guys others can't touch, and who tries to do the right thing even when it puts his own life at risk. He also doesn't apologize for being good at his job. And he doesn't lose sleep over it either. He's the Gray Man. And I couldn't help but like him. There's also a cute eight-year-old girl named Claire in this one that I loved. All in all, this is a fun roller-coaster ride of a read that starts off fast and never loses speed; and I can't wait to check out the next one. 

Happy Reading!


  1. Well, if it's like Jason Bourne, I'm sure it's darned good. 🤩

    1. It's all action and adventure, which I sometimes really like, especially in the summer.

  2. What is it about "good" assassins that so fascinates us? My favorite is Orphan X, which you like as well. I'll look for this one. :)

    1. I do love Evan Smoak from Orphan X. I think he's my favorite, followed closely by Daniel Silva's Gabriel Allon. And now the Gray Man! All super fun characters. :D

  3. Not a fan of Jason Bourne movies but yet this sounds good - maybe the little girl and how much you liked the main character.

    1. The little girl is so cute, and so grown up. And I loved her interactions with Gentry. :)

  4. This sounds like the kind of non-demanding read I'm looking for this summer. Maybe I should give it a try.

    1. It's a fun 'popcorn' kind of read. I'll definitely be checking out the next one. :)

  5. This sounds exciting! I love a good Bourne-like story. I'll have to see if my library has it. :)

    1. It should; these books seem to be fairly popular.

  6. Ooh this sounds fun. I loved the Bourne movies (the first three, anyway) :)

    1. The first three Bourne movies were really good; I loved them, too. :)

  7. This one sounds excellent. I often think I would make a good 'good' assassin. LOL!

    1. No one would suspect you! You could sneak up on anyone and get the job done. ;D

  8. Kind of reminds me of the Will Robie series by David Baldacci. Love it! I think you would, too. I also enjoy the Jason Bourne movies so I bet I'd like this also. :)

    1. Those Will Robie books do sound good. I've never read any of Baldacci's books although my mom really loves him. Thanks for the rec! :)

  9. Sounds like an excellent start to a new series. Do you prefer series over stand-alone books? Both have their charms, for sure!

    1. Lately, I've been leaning more towards standalone books, but only because starting a new series always adds so many more books to my TBR list, and I'm trying to get it down to more reasonable numbers. But when I find a character I love I'm always glad when there are more books written about them. So I can't really choose. Mostly I just love good books. :D

  10. This makes me think of Frank Castle (Punisher)! Would you say the two are similar?

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. They're a little similar...probably the big difference is that Gentry isn't a vigilante. He's former CIA and a paid assassin who's choosy about what jobs he takes.

  11. I've not heard of this one but it sounds great! Will keep this book in mind. :)

    1. It's great if you're in the mood for a lot of action with a hero that wins in the end.

  12. I'm new-series broke right now, but this one sounds good. I'm forcing myself to go back and read some of the standalone books by favorite series authors I have on hand right now just so I don't effectively tempted into starting ANOTHER series. LOL

    1. I hear ya! I feel a bit series broke, too. It's just I've had this book on my TBR list for forever, and I felt like I really needed to give it a try. Of course, now I'm stuck with an entire series to read, so I didn't make any progress on my TBR list. It's a vicious cycle, isn't it?

  13. I like the Jason Bourne movies so this sounds really good to me.

    1. This book has that same kind of intense action with the good guy winning that the Bourne movies do.

  14. I had to review this when it was new and I don't recall liking it very much but I do not recall why. I can see the Jason Bourne comparison.

    1. It's probably just one of those books that's not your cup of tea so to speak. It happens. :)

  15. My husband is a big fan of this series and it's funny because he was telling me about how he's surprised this hasn't been turned into a film because it reminded him of the Bourne movies. One of these days I need to check out this series myself.

    1. It totally reminded me of the Bourne movies, too! It would make a good action film. :)

  16. I love the Bourne movies and so your comparison of this book to those movies makes me want to read this one. It sounds like a fun read.

    1. This book plays out like a Bourne movie with all the action scenes, and with Gentry coming out on top at the end. :)
