
Monday, April 1, 2024


I won another Goodreads giveaway! This time I got a free copy of The Stars Turned Inside Out by Nova Jacobs. It's a mystery that takes place in Geneva, Switzerland at CERN's Large Hadron Collider. I'm looking forward to reading it. 

What's your Goodreads 'Want to Read' number? At the beginning of the year mine was nearing 470 and I could see 500 rapidly approaching. And for me, that number is just too high. But for every book I read off my list, I seem to add 2 more...which doesn't feel like progress. So after some very focused reading and a lot of weeding, I managed to get the number down to 397. (Though it'll probably be back up over 400 before the end of the week.) And I'm not sure what to do about it. Because all the books on my list are ones I still want to read, but 400 titles still feels like way too many. How many book titles do you have on your 'Want to Read' list? And what do you do when it gets too high? I could use some advice.

My "glad" things for March: 
  • Found an almost new copy of Nora Goes Off Script at the library book sale for only 10 cents! (This made me so happy because it's a book I really love.)
  • Woke up to the cheerful "chirr-up, chirr-up" of robins outside my window...a sure sign it's finally spring.
  • Celebrated Pi day with a yummy piece of Edwards' Chocolate Creme Pie.
  • Got to see the new Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire movie over the weekend and it totally made me laugh. I especially loved all the little Stay Puft marshmallow guys.
  • Best of all, my spring break starts today...I have one long, lovely week off to read, relax and have some fun. 


  1. LOL... OMG my GR 'want to read' list is at 1,663! It's crazy but I look at it as a 'maybe I'll read this one day' list rather than a 'must read' list. I do try to get rid of some occasionally but then, as you said, new ones keep getting added... I love your 'glad' list. At the moment I'm glad for my daughters and for the lovely spring sunshine we have today. :-)

    1. Hi, Cath! How are you doing? I'm glad I'm not the only one with an impossible 'want to read' list on Goodreads. I try not to think of mine as a must read list either, but I also struggle with the fact that I never seem to make any progress with it either. Wishing you many more glad things this month! :D

    2. I'm doing ok thanks, Lark. Ups and downs of course but I've had family staying over Easter and that's taken my mind off things a bit. I'm comforted by the fact that I know Peter is in a better place now, with no more health issues. Thank you for asking. *Hugs*

    3. He is in a better's just hard that it's not the same place as you. I'm glad you've got your family around. I'm sure Peter is close by watching over you, too. Hang in there! Sending love and best wishes your way. :D

  2. I've worked at a bookstore far too long for my GR want to read list to be anything less than 500 - lol! I do try to keep it below 700, but it is tricky.

    1. It is tricky! Entering all those Goodreads giveaways doesn't help either. ;D

  3. I’d like to read the book you won.

    1. I'm hoping it turns out to be as good as it sounds. :D

  4. OK, truly, your TBR list is not that long....ha! I think I add almost every book I see to my TBR and have long since decided that I am not going to get to read all the books. Sigh. Ah well. I'll do my best to read as many as I can. Enjoy your spring break week!!

    1. I just don't want to lose sight of the books I really want to read in the long list of titles that I kind of want to read...if that makes sense at all. And I add books faster than I can read them which is another problem. Oh, well. As problems go it's not a bad one ot have. ;D

  5. Oh I love a good find at a library sale! I have Nora Goes Off Script on my TBR. And how fun to read a Goodreads Giveaway. I haven't won one in ages - and I keep forgetting to enter them which doesn't help my odds. My Want to Read number is 587. I used to be over 2000 but I cleaned it out last year and had it down to 400 but it's slowly creeping up.

    1. It does continually creep up, doesn't it? It's entering those giveaways that keeps adding books to mine. If I stopped doing that maybe it wouldn't get so high...I'm already over 400 again. Sigh. It's a losing battle. ;D

  6. Congrats on winning a giveaway! I can't believe you found the Nora book for only 10 cents -- that's amazing! (It's such a good book - I'd love to track down a copy at some point). My Goodreads to-read list is out of control. I used to try to go through and weed it at least once or twice a year, but I haven't in a very long time. Plus, every time we enter a giveaway, it re-adds the book. (Haha, I just checked and my list is at 815!!! I really do need to do some clean-up)

    1. Twice as many as mine...that makes me feel a little better. Thanks. ;D

  7. I've got over 700 on my goodreads TBR, though I'm not sure how many of those are still true haha. I'm just not inspired to cull through them.

    1. 700 titles is a lot to tackle all at once! I don't blame you for not wanting to cull through them. I don't like trying to sift through the 400 titles on my list. ;D

  8. My goodreads want to read list is way too short. I started pruning it and that was a mistake. I must build it back up because I forget books I swore I was going to put on my TBR list and goodreads is a good resource to visit so we remember.

    1. It's a hard balance to find...I throw lots of titles on my Goodreads list that I don't want to forget, too, but then when I still haven't read them years later? Probably time to take them off.

  9. I love the premise.

    Hope you had a wonderful Easter!

  10. My library offers a save list. 521! I can't imagine every going through & culling it, though...

    1. When it gets long like that it's really hard to go through and manage...and even harder to settle on titles you still want to read off it. At least, it is for me.

  11. I see that my GR Want to Read number is up t 249. And here I was feeling how totally ludicrous that number before seeing yours and Cath's. Now I feel a lot better. ha

    I cannot believe you won another book from GoodReads. I have entered seven or eight of the giveaways a month for several years and have NEVER won a thing. With my luck, if I ever do win a book it will turn out to be something I DNF.

    1. Glad I can make you feel better about your 'want to read' numbers! Mine used to be low like yours, but then it ballooned out of control...probably from all those giveaways I enter. ;D And I don't know why I've been lucky enough to win several books from Goodreads...I'm certainly not lucky in other areas of my life.

  12. I only knew the word Collider from the Big Bang series. Enjoy your break.

    1. I like The Big Bang theory. It's a very funny show. :D

  13. I just checked my GRs TBR and it was 417! I just quickly got it down to 385, but I could weed more. It takes a few seconds to off-load each, so it is a time consuming effort. Maybe remove books on your TBR that are rated under 4 stars for the average and/or ones that have been on your TBR over 10 years (yes, I have a few!!) or 5 years? If its been on your TBR that long, chances are you won't read it. I want to see the new Ghost Busters! I had to watch the new Kung-Fu Panda instead because : grandkids. It was cute, though. Better than the Mario Bros one last year! Yay for spring break! I've been seeing the robins out and about here, too. :)

    1. I love spring break! It's my favorite week of the school year. ;D And those are both good suggestions about how to weed a few more books off my list. Thanks! I also check and see if my library has a copy of the book, or not...and if it doesn't, off the list it goes. :D

  14. Replies
    1. Thanks, Mary! It's my free thing of the month. (Maybe of the year.) ;D

  15. Congratulations on winning another book, how exciting!!! My Goodreads Want to Read is 721-like you, I keep taking books off, but then it grows by 2 or 3 at a time! I have tried to get it under 700. Even that is too high. I have already read 32 books that were on that list. That is not counting my Kindle own to read (421, after weeding hundreds off of it, not done), my Kindle NF own (19), Own to read (215), and NF own to read (36), sigh. The struggle is real, and I have been reading books I own as well....

    1. My list grows 2 or 3 books at a time, too. Which is why it feels like a losing battle to get it any lower. But I keep trying. I think because narrowing my list down helps me focus in on the books I really truly want to read.

  16. Congrats on winning that giveaway! That's awesome! My Goodreads TBR list is out of control, lol! There's well over a thousand on there. 🙈 I need to go through there sometime and delete some of them.

    1. It's hard to go through your list when it gets that big...harder still to choose a title or two from it to read. At least it is for me. Too many choices can be overwhelming.

  17. Lark, congrats on winning the giveaway! Cool beans! I definitely want to see the new Ghostbusters - I love those movies! Hearing birdsong is always the best :) Wishing you a lovely spring break!

    1. The Ghostbusters movie was so fun! I hope you get a chance to see it soon. "D

  18. Congrats on the GoodReads win! That's always fun. And consider me quite envious of your spring break. I'm taking a week off in late April and even that seem ages away. lol

    1. When you're waiting for your vacation to begin time really slows down...and when you're on vacation? It goes by too fast. ;D

  19. Congrats! I always wonder if anyone wins those giveaways and have almost given up all hope. As for the wishlist? I deleted my entire thing a year or two ago because it was so out of control and it's creeping back up there again so I am absolutely no help at all.

    1. Sometimes I do think about deleting the whole list and starting over...but I can't quite make myself do it. Probably because I'm too afraid of suddenly not having any books to read. And I've won a couple giveaways from Goodreads don't give up hope. :D

  20. 400 books? That is high and yet, it's not. Do you count each book series as one book one? I don't mind being you as I barely have 3 books I want to read.

    10 cents for a book? Sounds like a good deal. For some reason, getting a book you love for sale always seems to be so much better.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. I only count the book titles currently on my list...not all the titles in a series. Because lately I haven't been wanting to finish too many series. And I love library book sales...though I do tend to pick up way too many books at them. But how can you resist a book when it only costs ten cents? :D

  21. Congratulations on winning a copy of The Stars Turned Inside Out! I hope you enjoy it when you read it! I am loving starting work just as the birds are beginning to chirp in the morning. It's one of my favorite sounds. I hope you enjoyed your spring break! My daughter's was the last week of March. Have a great April!

  22. My Goodreads Want to Read list is not so high but I have some lists in email, and a "wish list" for the annual book sale and an Amazon Wishlist, although I keep that one under control.

    It is good to see a "glad things" list and I need to work on one of those myself.

    I am happy that you won that book. I have heard good things about it. Now you can read it and tell us what you think.

    1. I'm hoping it turns out to be really good, but I have some library books I have to read first. And good for you for not having an out-of-control Want to Read list on Goodreads. :D
