
Friday, May 17, 2024

One Last Shot by Susan May Warren

From the blurb:  "When country music star Oaken Fox joins survivalist Mike Grizz's new adventure show in the Alaskan wilderness, he just wants to boost his fan base. But when tragedy strikes and Air One Rescue must save them, Oaken wants to quit. Too bad his producer has other plans--signing him on with Air One Rescue as a recruit and making a reality show.

"EMT Boo Kingston did not join Air One Rescue to train a celebrity. But she's a rookie to the team, so yes, she'll train Oaken and keep him alive and not for a minute pay attention to his charm.

"Then five women go missing from a resort during a bachelorette weekend gone wrong. Now, Air One and the rescue team will have to use all their skills and manpower--including Oaken--to find them before a blizzard settles in. But can they work together before tragedy strikes?"

My thoughts:  Ashley @ The Rustic Reading Gal, who recommended this book, said I would love it...and she was right. The compelling action starts on page one and continues throughout the book. But there are also quiet moments with Oaken and Boo and the other members of the rescue team--moments of heart, humor, redemption, forgiveness, and faith. I loved all the rescue guys, but I especially loved Oaken and Boo and how they slowly came together over the course of the story. And that Alaskan wilderness setting is always a favorite of mine. All the rescue scenes felt very realistic, and were nicely suspenseful, too. And I loved the positivity and the happy ending. I will definitely be checking out the next book in this series when it comes out next month. 

Happy Reading!


  1. I need to read this. Thank you. I’m working on a project. I was wondering if you would be willing to help. Regine

  2. Okay, this is totally a "me thing" but I just couldn't read about a main character named Boo. lol Just a quirk, I guess, but I wouldn't be able to get past that. Haha!

    1. You're funny! Her real name is Bronte if that helps. Boo is just a nickname she got while serving in the military. :D

  3. I'm so glad you loved it, Lark! I'm excited there's not a long wait for the next one! :D

    1. I'm excited, too! I already have it on hold at my library. :D


  4. I'm so glad Ashley recommended this book to you! It sounds like an amazing read with a perfect blend of action, heart, and suspense.

    1. It hit the spot. Just a fast and fun read.

  5. The hunky guy on the cover ... is that Oaken?

  6. It sounds like Oaken wanted to be a guest on the Alaska show and then head home and that can add humor to the novel as well. And of course Alaska is such a fascinating setting.

    1. He wasn't even sure he wanted to be on that first show, but his agent talked him into it to improve his online profile because of another incident that went viral at one of his concerts. It was pretty funny.

  7. Ooh, what an interesting concept! I think I'll have to snag this one for my next weekend away.

    1. It's good escapism and an entertaining read!

  8. The rescue and reality show elements might not be my first choice... but I do love Alaskan wilderness as a setting!

  9. That does sound good, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

  10. Sounds like a good one and I love the Alaskan setting as well.

  11. I have not read this one yet, either. I love her books though, so am looking forward to it!

  12. Love the sound of this one! It totally sounds like something I'd love! I'm off to look up if they have an audio. :)

  13. Interesting storyline. Thanks for the review.

  14. This looks like a fun one and one I'd enjoy! Great review!

  15. I've enjoyed several of Ashley's recommendations. Glad you enjoyed this one.

    1. It ended up being a very fast-paced and fun book, but with lots of heart, too.

  16. This sounds like a fun modern romance. I think I would love the setting too. Just something different.

    1. I liked the combination of suspense, romance and faith in this one. It just worked for me.
