
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

What You Are Looking For Is In The Library by Michiko Aoyama


What it's about:

Five lost souls, each with a yearning inside them to be or do something more. And a wise community librarian who guides them to the book that will help them see a path forward to seizing opportunities and fulfilling their dreams. Each book is different. But then so are the five characters. There's Tomoka, who is a young sales assistant in a department store; Ryo, who wants to open his own antique store; and Natsumi, a former magazine editor who is struggling to balance motherhood and her career. I really liked those three, but I think the last two were my favorite:  Hiroya, an unemployed artist who feels like a failure; and Masao, who just retired from his job of forty-two years and now doesn't know what to do with his life. Every chapter introduces another character, another book, another dream. I enjoyed their individual journeys and their moments of intersection. 

My thoughts:  

This was a bittersweet read for me. Don't get me wrong, I loved this quiet literary novel, but it's the book I was supposed to read this month with Melody. We planned it back in February. And I kept wanting to talk to her about it, ask her which character she liked best, compare notes, hear her thoughts and insights. I know she would have loved the Japanese setting and how books played a role in each character's journey. I really wish I could have read this book with her. I bet she would have given it 5 stars. I did. 

Happy Reading!


  1. My heart hurts for you, Lark. I'm so glad you read this one, anyway, even though I'm sure it was tough to do.

  2. Oh, Lark! I would be very sad, too, but also happy to imagine how Melody would've enjoyed this unique and beautiful story as well! Sending virtual hugs your way! :)

  3. This sounds like a great book, with an interesting setting. I'm so sorry you didn't get to read it with Melody.

  4. Oh Lark, grief is the gift that keeps on giving! I am so sorry you didn't get to discuss it with her, but glad you enjoyed it. Hugs.

  5. I can understand why this read was a bittersweet one.

  6. Sounds like you are going to remember this one for a special reason. It will forever be associated in your mind with your friend; that must have been both a tough and a comforting read. Thanks for sharing.

  7. I plan to read this book next year, so it's a relief that you liked it.
    But I can imagine, it must have been very hard for you. So sorry for the loss of your blogging/reading friend (I missed your post in April). Hopefully her blog will be on the blogosphere for a long time to come as a sort of memorial for her life and (most of all) thoughts.

  8. I am sorry you never got to read this book with Melody. It sounds like she would have really enjoyed the book and I can see why the subject is interesting.

  9. This sounds like a beautiful book. I can imagine that it made you sad since you wanted to read it with Melody but I am sure you will look back at this with all the love you had for her. Hugs.

  10. Lark, I'm so sorry you didn't get a chance to read this with Melody. It sounds like a wonderful book. I'm sending hugs your way.

  11. I'm glad you decided to read this one. I know it will forever be tied to your memories of Melody. Funny how books can do that, isn't it? I've still got the JA Jance galley I was reading when my mom called to tell me she was sick. There's a playing card marking the place where I stopped mid chapter to answer the call. I've never picked that book back up. Maybe one day I will.

  12. Please accept my sympathy on the loss of your friend. It sounds as though reading this book was a good way to honor her memory.

  13. So sorry about the loss of Melody. Very sad. I think she'd appreciate: this Japanese novel looks like a winner.

  14. This book sound amazing!! I will add it to my reading wishlist. I wish you could have read this novel with Melody too!

  15. Oh I'm so sorry. This must have been an especially poignant read. I'm glad it was this one though as it is such a calming healing read. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It is one of my favorites.

  16. It is sad that you did not get to read this Melody. She sounds like a great blogging friend. This book is on my wish list and I will get it before the end of the year.

  17. Oh, dear. That is bittersweet, Lark.

  18. I'm so sorry you didn't get to read this with Melody. I still can't believe it. The story sounds really wonderful and I'm sure it will hold a special place in your heart.

  19. I have this one sitting on my TBR pile. I am so sorry you weren't able to read it with Melody. I know she would have liked this one too.
