
Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Women by Kristin Hannah

 "Women can be heroes."

The first part:
"Frankie had never thought about nurses in Vietnam; the newspapers never mentioned any women. Certainly no one talked about any women at war. ... But could she? Really? ... How did you know if you had the strength and courage for a thing like that? ... She could earn her place on the heroes' wall, and not for marrying well. For saving lives in wartime."
 The second part: 
"She'd joined the Army to find her brother and found herself instead; in war, she'd found out who she really was and who she wanted to be, and as tired as she was of all the death and destruction, she was also more than a little afraid to go home. What would life look like stateside?" 

My thoughts:  Frances Grace McGrath's journey from her quiet, well-bred life on Coronado Island, California, to hot, steamy and war-torn Vietnam is both powerful and poignant. Dealing with the wounded and other horrific aspects of war is hard enough, but coming home is even harder for Frankie where she faces hostility, indifference and her own PTSD. Her strength and courage is tested at every turn. As is her heart. I found her to be a remarkable and memorable heroine. And Hannah's writing is very compelling. I liked getting to see the Vietnam War and its aftermath from the viewpoint of a combat nurse. (Certain parts really reminded me of that TV show China Beach, which I loved.) This novel is a moving tribute to all the brave women who served in Vietnam, and to the unspoken struggles they faced when they came home. 

My rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 

Happy Reading!



  1. I was so invested in Frankie and her story. I loved that KH chose to tell a Viet Nam story through the eyes of a combat nurse. So powerful. This was my first 5-star read of the year.

    1. The first half with all her experiences in Vietnam was so amazing. Definitely a book worth reading.

  2. Hi Lark, Glad you liked The Women because I haven't read Kristin Hannah yet but I plan to read The Great Alone in the next few months which also features a Vietnam vet coming home with PTSD and moving his family to Alaska in the 1970's. The Vietnam War is a long time ago now but for the people who bravely served the memories never go away and these books are valuable since they remind us all of those times.

    1. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on The Great Alone. It does sound like a good one. All those Vietnam vets had such a hard time when they came home. It's nice that books are being written now to highlight them and their struggles so we don't forget.

  3. I haven't read anything by this author yet, but I'm adding this book to my list. It sounds like such a powerful and important read!

    1. If you're at all interested in this time period it's a really good one to read.

  4. Lark, such a great post about a terrific story :) So glad you shared about it.

    1. I really liked this book. And I learned a lot reading it.

  5. Lark, enjoyed hearing your thoughts about The Women. I've actually heard quite a few thoughts on this book recently. It was not the book of discussion, but it came up and was talked about a lot at a recent book group. It was interesting how some loved it and some did not. And some liked it until about 50% and then didn't like it. I have it on the shelf, but not read as yet. We'll see when I'm in the mood for it. I have read other books by this author, but I looked back and it has been about 10 years since I've read one.

    1. I can see where some would love the first half more than the second. The first half is when she goes to Vietnam and her time as a combat nurse there; the second half is when she comes home and her struggles back stateside with her family, her PTSD, etc. It's not quite as compelling as the first half imo, but still good.

  6. The nurses during war are often not covered as often as they should be. Sounds like this one made a real impression on you.

    1. It did. I really liked getting a glimpse of that tumultuous time period through the eyes of the women who were combat nurses in Vietnam...and how they were so ignored and almost forgotten about when they returned home.

  7. I can see why you liked this one.

  8. When I've read other reviews it reminded me of China Beach. I never watched the whole series, but it's one I wanted to! :)

    1. It was one of my favorite shows; me and my college roommates all watched it together. :D

  9. I'm so glad you loved it -- I did too! And yes, total China Beach vibes... I really wish that show would be available to stream!

  10. I'm married to a veteran of the Vietnam War and so the stories of that time are a part of our life. I'm adding this one to my reading list for the special perspective of the women who served.

    1. And it is a different perspective. But a needed one. I think you'll like this book. It's very well written.

  11. It's clear how powerful and emotional her story is, from her time in Vietnam to the struggles she faced upon returning home. Highlighting the women who served, this kind of reminds me of Good Night, Irene by Luis Alberto Urrea. Though that one is WWII.

    1. Frankie goes through a lot in this one. And I have Good Night, Irene on my TBR list. It does look good.

  12. Wonderful review, Lark! I love that this book honors the women heroes of the Vietnam War. I would never miss an episode of China Beach, such a good series.

    1. I never missed an episode of China Beach either. :D

  13. I just got this book as my birthday book from Book of the Month! Great review. I've always loved Kristin Hannah so I'm looking forward to this one.

    1. Happy reading! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it. :D

  14. This sounds much better than I had assumed it would be. Vietnam War veterans and support people are still so under-appreciated today that it makes me sad.

    1. It is sad! They should have come back to salutes and applause, not rage and disgust. After all, they didn't start the war.

  15. It sounds like it would be an emotional read as well. Glad you enjoyed it.

    1. She goes through some very hard things, that's for sure.

  16. I loved China Beach too. I am looking forward to reading The Women and am glad you enjoyed it.

  17. I keep reading about this book; I am glad you liked it. I am going to have to get a copy eventually.

    1. It's a good one. Her time in Vietnam was my favorite part.

  18. Oh good! Glad you liked this one. It's on my summer list. I remember that TV show China Beach ... it ran for only a few seasons a long while ago ... but I was there, lol.

    1. I was there, too. Guess we're showing our ages, huh? ;D

  19. I'm really curious about this book! So glad to hear you enjoyed it!

  20. I love Kristin Hannah's books. I'm looking forward to reading this one. Glad you enjoyed it!

    1. It's a good one. Especially the first half.
