
Monday, January 6, 2014

Bookish Habits...

We all have bookish habits:  some good, some bad. Some of my bookish habits include trips to the library every third Friday, curling up in the same chair to read everyday, dog-earing a page every now and then to mark my place (which I know isn't great, but at least it's not as bad as my cousin who used to chew off entire corners while she was reading), and flipping to the last page of a book to see how it ends. (Does anyone else ever do this?) I'm not proud of it, and it's this bookish habit that I'm trying to break.

I never used to read the end before the beginning, but lately, whenever my attention starts to flag or the book I'm reading starts to drag, I find myself flipping to the end to see if it's even worth continuing. And once I do that I often end up not finishing the book. Sadly, it's happening more and more often. (But never with really good books--those I read straight through without ever peeking to see how they end.) So, what's the solution? I'm not sure. But admitting there's a problem is the first step to recovery, right?

What about you? Got any bookish habits you want to change this year?


  1. I plan my lunch menu so that I can eat with one hand and hold my book with the other (two-handed lunch items, like really full deli sandwiches, are not conducive to reading!) I sometimes dog-ear a page...I confess mostly on books I do not own, like library books (guess I should break that habit!). I read more than one book at a time, which sometimes leads to not finishing any of them. Maybe that is another habit I should take a good look at!

    1. I like to read while I eat lunch, too...and you're right, it's important to have kind of food that doesn't interfere with your book. And I just peeked at the end of another book yesterday and decided to stop reading it...I can see this is a bookish habit I might not be ready to quit. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I check the ending too! It drives my husband nuts. I'm not sure it's a habit I need to break...

    1. I feel guilty doing it sometimes...especially when I decide not to finish reading the book. But I'm thinking this habit is one that is too ingrained for me to give up.

  3. I dog-ear pages all the time, I never have a bookmark to hand!
    I also crease the spines of paperbacks on purpose as I read them - I like the lived in look.

    1. We're opposites...I try to keep my books looking as pristine and unread as long as possible. I don't know why. Just habit, I guess. Although the lived in look doesn't bother me with used books.

  4. I admit, I spill my lunch into books more often than I like. I usually just wipe it off the best I can and hope nobody notices. Especially the library books!
