
Monday, November 10, 2014

Reading the Alphabet...

I think I might read my way through the Alphabet, starting with Z and working my way back to A. (Or maybe jumping around from letter to letter.) Why? I want to explore the library shelves again; I want to get away from To Read lists and books on hold and rediscover the serendipity of stumbling upon a great read from an author I never even knew existed. Plus, it sounds like fun. I could probably read my way through the alphabet in a year, reading a different alphabetical author every two weeks...but that feels a little too forced for me. I want this to be enjoyable; I don't want it to feel like an assignment or a chore. After all, reading shouldn't feel like work, should it? And I really don't want to stress about getting the next letter of the alphabet read in order to meet some imaginary deadline just so I can blog about it. If I want to spend a month reading from the Z shelf, I will. If I want to move on to a new letter after just one book, that's okay, too. I just want to read whatever and wherever the bookish spirits move me. So keep watch. A post called Reading From the Z Shelf just might be coming your way soon. (Or not.)

Happy Reading!


  1. Great idea! I did more reading by "list" this year, and while it was great and I read a lot of fun books I wouldn't have tried otherwise, I am already planning to leave more unplanned for next year. I will be watching for great alphabet discoveries! Good luck on this reading adventure.

    1. Thank you. I'll let you know if it's any fun...or one big dud. :)

  2. This sounds like fun! Good luck with the tough letters...

    1. Thanks! I might end up reading a lot of Chinese authors for X and Q. :)

  3. This sounds like an interesting idea. I'll look forward to hearing about any new authors you've discovered!

    1. Stay tuned. I've already been trolling the shelves for Z. :)

  4. I think it sounds intriguing, and fun - but I think you're smart not to put any pressure on yourself. It definitely shouldn't feel like work, or stress you out. And like Helen, I'll look forward to hearing about new books and authors.

    1. Thanks. If serendipity smiles I'll stumble on some great reads that I can pass along. :)

  5. I used to use the library almost exclusively before NetGalley. Last year, my visits began to slow down, but recently, I've returned with enthusiasm. I like the idea of "alphabet choices." I may put it into practice.

  6. Now you've got me thinking about just what I would find on the Z shelf!

    1. You should check it out...It's interesting which genres have authors in Z and which don't. (And let me know if you run across any good books!)
