
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Bookish Thoughts...

On waiting too long. There are some books that need to be read when the mood strikes, because if you wait, the mood to read that particular book may never come again. It's almost like some books have a built-in expiration date; if you let them sit on your shelf for too long they lose their freshness and charm. I'm not sure why. (And maybe it only happens to me.) I just know that there are one or two books sitting on my shelf that I really wanted to read once upon a time...and now I don't. I guess for me, they've passed their bookish expiration date.

On spring-cleaning my "To Read" list.  I collect titles of books that I want to read from a variety of places: other bookish blogs, bookstores, Goodreads, from my sisters and friends, even from the bestseller lists. Needless to say, my list is long. Too long. So I went through it the other day and did some spring-cleaning. If I didn't remember what a book was about, or why I had put it on the list in the first place, I crossed it off. Then there were all those out-of-print books that I haven't been able to find; I crossed them off, too. It's time to move on. Some books on my list I no longer want to read (even though I once did); they were the next to go. And what about those titles I find myself skipping over every time I'm looking for my next read? I got rid of those, too. It felt good. In the end, my To Read list is still too long, but it no longer feels impossible, and at least I know I want to read all the books on it.  Eventually.

Happy Reading!


  1. I have the "waiting too long" problem with books, especially when the book was inspired by a topic (perhaps from another book or the news) that over time loses its immediacy. My TBR list is mostly a matter of possibility, not serious intention and is not located in one place. Sometimes I mark off books from my library list because the library doesn't have them; sometimes my Amazon wish list gets cleared out, but not often, even if the book no longer interests me. I lose the lists I just jot down on whatever is available and don't think of them again until something else reminds me.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one with the "I've waited too long and now I don't want to read that book" syndrome. :) And my To Read list is more possibility, too; but when it gets too long it starts to feel burdensome. Maybe I should try to lose mine more often. :)

  2. I need to spring clean my list too. Not remembering why I wanted to read something is a good reason to chuck it!

    1. Right? After all, there will always be more books to add to the list. :)

  3. The books on the TBR shelves do start to look too familiar, and less interesting! But though I do cull them from time to time, I can't do a complete sweep, yet. I'm still in hopes of getting it down to 30 or so!

    1. I can't do a complete sweep either...I think I'd have a panic attack if I tried. But it's nice when I can clear off a book or two without feeling guilty because I just no longer want to read them. Good luck on getting your TBR numbers down to 30!

  4. Love the idea of spring cleaning a To Read list! Much easier than sorting shelves, and then you have a fresh list to choose from. Now if I could only spring clean my To Do list....

  5. Totally true -- the bookish expiration date. The same thing sometimes happens if I start a book, don't have time to finish it, and then never wish to return to it (even though I was liking it just fine!)

    1. Ooh, that's happened to me, too. Some books have to be finished in one swoop, or not at all. :)

  6. My biggest problem with waiting too long to read a book is that I can end up being spoiled for it. So if it's a book that people are going to be talking about, I like to read it asap.
    And I should Spring Clean my GR shelf too as I'm never EVER going to read it all! And I do like the idea of it being more realistic.

    1. I hate when you hear too much about a book before you get a chance to read it and form your own opinions about it. And good luck narrowing your GR's so easy to throw a book title on it, and so hard to read them all. :)
