
Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Bookish Thoughts...

On reading trilogies.  I have a confession to make: lately, when I'm reading a review and I find out that a particular book is part of a trilogy, I tend to dismiss it right then and there. Especially if the third book hasn't been written yet. Who wants to make that kind of commitment? And even though there are probably a lot of trilogies out there worth reading, the second book always seems to be the weak link; and I've waded through too many bad ones recently to want to read any more. So, for right now, I'm taking a break from any and all trilogies. (At least until a really good one comes along.)

On changing libraries.  Despite its flaws and imperfections, I love my library. So, when I found out it was closing for two months for renovations, I was not happy. For one thing, the next closest library isn't in walking distance; plus, it's a lot smaller than my library, and it has a much more limited selection of books. But I think what bothers me the most is that I don't like change. Even a small change like having to switch libraries for two months. It's probably something I should work on--after all, the one constant in life is change. So, here's to embracing this new change in my life. (Wish me luck!)

On things I could happily do without (in books).  Weird fonts. Present tense. Stupid characters. "Instalove".  Love Triangles (especially in YA novels). Alternating narratives.  And excessive jumping from the past to the present and back again. (Pick a time period, people!) What about you? What are you sick of seeing in the books you read?


  1. I love a good trilogy--if all three books are already in print. I don't like the tendency to take a long book and chop it into 3 parts. :) I've thought about doing a post about some of the things in books that annoy me, and you've named several of them. The alternating narratives and past to present trend has begun to annoy me. It is great, if done well, but seems to be more of a fad now and way too frequent. Another one: prologues. Again, not always bad, but is overdone--especially the super violent ones.

    1. I should have thought of prologues! Why are people using them so much lately? Laziness?
      And you're right about good trilogies...but the bad ones. Ugh.

  2. I love trilogies and series - more time to enjoy the world and the characters! - but I am sometimes leery of starting a series before it's completed. That said, as I've gotten older, I've become more patient, so it's easier to wait now than it used to be.

    Pet peeves in books - oh, I agree with you on some of those. Instalove. Triangles (and how ubiquitous they've become in YA.) TSTL heroines. Badly-handled flashbacks. Too much telling, not enough showing. Bad copy-editing and proofreading that result in continuity issues and/or characters whose appearance changes when it shouldn't (blonde hair to brown, etc.)

    1. There does seem to be a lack of copy-editing these days. Sad commentary on the literacy of our country.

  3. Yup, I could do without love triangles. Yuck. Where are all of these people in real life who have not one, but two love interests?!?

    The trilogy thing is quite frustrating. I've had several recently where I really couldn't remember the events of the past book. From now on, I'm waiting until I can read them all at once!

    1. Smart to wait for the trilogy to be done before beginning...I started a couple, and by the time the second book was published, I'd forgotten what happened in the first book, and had no desire to go back and reread it, so I ended up just dropping the whole thing. :)

  4. My local library closed for 18 months for refurbishing and when it reopened at least half of the books were missing. They ripped out the old high wooden shelves and replaced them with low modern metal and plastic shelf units, presumably because they are reachable for people in wheelchairs but it's very sad. I hope your library's transformation isn't so drastic.

    1. That's my biggest fear with this "renovation"...that they're using it as an excuse to purge books. Why don't libraries want to keep books any more? Isn't that what they're for? I'm sorry about your library transformation. (But am glad you commented.)
