
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Bookish Link #4:

Fascinated by the mysterious Edgar Allan Poe and his macabre tales?
Then check out these equally fascinating mysteries that feature Poe
as one of the main characters: The Pale Blue Eye by Louis Bayard
and The Poe Shadow by Matthew Pearl.


  1. I love Edgar Allan Poe but have not read either of these books. I read another of Matthew Pearl's books a few years ago (The Last Dickens) and didn't enjoy it so haven't tried any of his others. The Pale Blue Eye sounds interesting!

    1. Matthew Pearl can be a little hit and miss, and sometimes his books read a little too slow for me; in The Poe Shadow he tackles the mystery surrounding Poe's actual death with a fictional explanation of his own. But The Pale Blue Eye is the better book; it's a great mystery with a young Poe as the main protagonist who helps investigate a death at West Point.
