
Monday, September 28, 2015

Tackling the TBR Pile...

I have 25 unread books on my shelves, and I can't seem to make myself read any of them. And I'm so close to reaching my goal! See, this year I wanted to read 15 books from off my TBR pile, and so far I've managed to read 13. But now I seem to be stuck. So even though there are three more months left in the year, its starting to look like I'm not going to reach my goal.

There are some good authors in my TBR pile, too. Anthony Trollope, Elizabeth Gaskell, Carlos Ruiz Zafon, Fred Vargas, Stephen Hunt, Mary Roberts Rinehart, Ann Radcliffe, and Louisa May Alcott to name a few. I just wish I was still in the mood to read them. Any of them. I mean, the reason I bought them in the first place was because they sounded so good. But now they make me feel tired. I think I'm experiencing TBR apathy.

It almost makes me want to go to the bookstore and buy a couple of new books that I do want to read.

Just kidding!
So ... how many TBRs are waiting for you?


  1. I have somewhere between 100-150 books on my TBR pile. But I do not worry about it, I know I will read them someday. I sometimes buy a book, but I'll read it three or more years later.
    So not worry about your TBR pile, the year is not over yet and if you do not focus on it, there is every chance that you will pick up the last two books to finish the challenge before the new year!!

    Kind regards,

  2. On my physical TBR shelf, I"m not sure; I'm afraid to count. More than 25, I suspect, and I bought several more this month! I'm thinking I need to discipline myself in the last months of the year to actually read them and not keep adding to the pile.

    1. It's surprising how quickly the number of unread books can grow; they're so easy to buy...but there never seems to be enough time to read them all.

  3. I have 260 books on the TBR shelves. My goal is to get that down between 25 and 50 - but I've been working on that goal since 2008, and since I can't stop buying new books, I don't make as much progress as I'd like.

    1. Yeah, I tried to not buy any new books last year, and I did pretty well, but I still brought a stack home. But it was a small stack, so at least I cut back on how many I bought...and I've been trying to do that this year, too. But it's hard because I LIKE buying books. I just need more time to read them. :)

  4. The books on my shelves, I've already read. Now, the stacks and the Kindle que--that is a different matter. I receive a lot of ARCs that I haven't requested and often I have no intention of reading them. If I have requested it or if I've bought it, I do try to read it, but books don't always live up to their marketing praise. :)

    1. Hype is definitely overrated when it comes to books; I don't ever get ARCs, so I at least don't have a bunch of those books stacking up around my house. No, my TBR pile is all my own doing. :)

  5. Haha, the temptation to get new books is real! I have one large shelf with my tbr books, although there are several stacks of books there at this point!

    I'm trying to work through them by alternating between books for review, library books, and books from my shelf. It's not a perfect system, but I feel like I'm paying attention to all of my books. :)

    1. Sounds like a good way to do it to me. I find it hard to balance my own books with my library books. (Because I have too many of both.) But it's not a horrible problem to have. :)
