
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Bookish stats...

2015 Reading Challenges:
Back to the Classics (Completed 7/12 categories)
Reading Bingo (Got blackout!)

TBR shelf update: 15 books read; 28 still to go.

Total books read this year:
Non-fiction: 26 
Classics: 9
Mystery & Suspense: 37
Historical Fiction: 21
Supernatural/Fantasy: 16
Romance: 17
Other: 23

Like last year, I read twice as many books written by women as by men; and while there were a few disappointments in the mix, and about a dozen that I started and did not finish, overall I enjoyed the majority of the books I read. (There were several I even loved.) In addition to all the books, I also managed to ease my way out of my friend's book club without hurting anyone's feelings as well as survive the four-month closure of my library. Bookishly speaking, I'd have to say this was a pretty good year. Here's hoping you had a fun year of reading, too!



  1. Looks like a very good year for you--hope 2016 is even better!

  2. I always like the stats at the end of the year. I do hope 2016 will be filled with many beautiful books and even better blog-articles!

    Kind regards,

    1. I'm hoping for many good books in 2016, too! :)

  3. Have not totaled my categories, but as of today, I have read 32 books. Not as many as last year, but still a good year for me as a slow reader!

    1. Good for you! Any year with books in it is a good year. And if you could just learn to paint faster you'd have more time to read. :)

  4. Sounds like a good reading year :) Happy 2016! :D

    1. Thanks so much! I'm really looking forward to the Reading England challenge; I already have several books lined up for it. :)

  5. Yay for tackling the TBR shelf. I have been trying to read more of 'my own' books too! :) Many thanks for all the kind comments you sent my way--they are much appreciated. I love all the bookish chat. Very best wishes to you in 2016! (And I need to get back to Deanna Raybourn's books, too--I see one on your faves list!)

    1. Thanks!! I love chatting with you, and reading your blog, too. It's fun when we have books in common. Hope 2016 treats you well...and I'll see you in the comments section of your blog. :)

  6. What a super reading year! Congratulations on Book Bingo Blackout!

  7. 26 non-fiction is admirable! My comfort place is novels, so I'm always trying to add non-fiction to broaden those horizons.

    In terms of "Other," what genres are left that you haven't covered? :)

    Congrats on a great reading year.

    1. I kind of throw contemporary/literary fiction that doesn't fit in mystery, romance or fantasy into other along with poetry, essays, graphic novels (which I read 2 this year!), children's books and science fiction. It's kind of a conglomerate.
