
Thursday, May 11, 2017

A favorite fantasy...

The Forgotten Beasts of Eld by Patricia A. McKillip

With her white hair and black eyes, Sybel has a wizard's power that she has inherited from her father along with his white stone house and his collection of mythical creatures. There's the Lyon Gules, Cyren, the white-tusked boar who holds the answers to all riddles but one, blue-eyed Ter, the falcon to wizards and kings, and even the great dragon Gyld. Then one day, when Sybel is just sixteen, Coren of Sirle comes to her lonely house with a baby for her to hide and raise--Tamlorn, the son of a king. And Sybel finds herself drawn into the world of men. Because how can she not love Tam as he grows from boy to man? And then there's Coren of Sirle himself who seems able to look into her soul and see her like no one else ever has.
"I thought of you with your hair of silver as snow all through that cold, slow journey from Sirle. I felt you troubled, deep within me, and there was no other place in the world where I would rather have been than in the cold night, riding to you. When you opened your gates to me, I was home."
5 reasons why I love this book:

  • the romance between Sybel and Coren of Sirle
  • McKillip's lyrical prose
  • Cyren the Boar's wisdom and wry riddles
  • all the other mythical, magical animals in Sybel's home
  • and did I mention how much I like Coren of Sirle?
Patricia A. McKillip is one of my favorite authors. I never get tired of reading (and rereading) her fantasies. For me, they are all magical reads! She really knows how to create characters that I end up loving. Sybel and Coren are no exception.

Happy Reading!


  1. Love the cover! I haven't read anything by McKillip in several years. Need another library visit-- :)

    1. She's such a great author! I haven't read her latest yet, but I want to. :)

  2. I have never heard of this author...there is so much fantasy out there of which I am unaware! Would this book be a good place to start with McKillip or do you have another title you would suggest?

    1. This would be a good one to start with. I also really like her book, The Bell at Sealey Head, and I LOVE her Riddle-Master of Hed trilogy! (But not everyone wants to commit to reading three books.) :D

  3. This sounds good! Is this a standalone or part of a series?

    1. This one is a standalone. (Most of her books are actually.)

  4. I should read this one again. McKillip never became a solid favorite for me, but there are some books by her that I really liked. I think Winter Rose is my favorite.
