
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Bookish Suspense At Its Best...

Dr. Jenna Ramey sees colors when she talks to people; she has grapheme-color synesthesia.  "Where for most people, traits blended in, the colors that flashed in her mind at certain statements or mannerisms could make a quality stand out like a brunette in a sea of bald heads."  Purple for narcissism. Red for wrath or love or a very dominant type A personality. That's what color she sees when she talks with Isaac Keaton, a sociopathic serial killer.  He may be behind bars, but he has at least one partner still on the loose and a much larger game set in motion. It's up to Jenna to figure out what that deadly game is and who all the other players are before more innocent people die.

Color Blind by Colby Marshall turned out to be a 4-star read for me. It's compelling and unexpected and Jenna's synesthesia gives this psychological thriller an interesting and unique twist. Isaac Keaton is a very formidable opponent, but he's not Jenna's only problem; there's also her sociopathic mother, Claudia, who's in a mental hospital awaiting trial. (She only tried to kill Jenna's father and younger brother 17 years ago.) Then there's her ex, FBI agent Hank Ellis. He's also working the Keaton case. It gets a little complicated, but in a good way. I have to say, I liked all the layers in this book. It's fast-paced and suspenseful. And Jenna Ramey is a character I would gladly read about again. (Now if only I can convince my library to buy the next 2 books in this series!)

Happy Reading!


  1. Oh, this does sound interesting! I've read a couple of books about characters with synesthesia--a fascinating condition. I'm adding this one to my list!

  2. Sounds very suspenseful! I hate when my library doesn’t have the books I want. That’s why I own so many books. Sigh!

    1. It's a problem, isn't it? I'm having to buy more books every year just to read the ones I want 'cause my library isn't buying as many books as they used to.

  3. Replies
    1. I think that's why I liked it so much. I couldn't predict what was going to happen next. :)

  4. Oooh this sounds super suspenseful! I hope your library acquiesces and buys the next books int he series and also I hope they are just as good!

    1. My library is going to buy them! yay. Now I just hope that they're as good as this one. :)

  5. Definitely an interesting premise. I have this book on my shelf and need to move it up in the queue! Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

  6. That's an interesting premise. It kind of reminds me of a K-drama I watched some time ago; a girl who can see smell after an accident and with this special ability, she's able to solve some cases for a police. Both of these stories are different yet there's some similarity when their special abilities are concerned. Anyway, this sounds like a book I'd look out for. :)

    1. I think you'd like it. I'd probably like that K-drama, too. All those cool special abilities! :)

  7. It does sound like a fascinating premise. I'd love to read more about Jenna's abilities and how she uses them in her work. I can't handle the details, or much violence.

    1. This book does not get graphic or go into any gory details, which I appreciated. So you might be okay with this one.

  8. Wow! What an interesting premise. I love the idea that she can see people's colors. Sounds like such a great read!

    1. It's one of the better suspense/mysteries I've read lately.

  9. I really like the idea of her seeing colors in personality traits. I'll have to keep a look out for this one.

  10. I've never heard of this one, but it sounds intriguing. Synthesthesia is such an interesting thing -- I'd love to read more about it. I'm going to add this one to my GR TBR list. Thanks for another great-sounding rec, Lark!

    1. Hope you get a chance to read this one...and that you like it! :)

  11. Hi Lark,

    Thanks for the review. This is the first I've ever heard of a condition known as synthesthesia where if I understand the senses overlap. Sounds like a very well written novel with a heroine you want to follow into the next book and the book after that.

    1. It gives an added layer to the main character...and the book... which I quite liked. :)

  12. What an intriguing premise! I am glad you liked this one, Lark. I will definitely have to add it to my to read list.

    1. It was one of those books that when I finished reading it, I was ready to start the second book in the series that very same day....which doesn't happen all that often.

  13. Oh, this sounds fascinating and so intriguing! Synesthesia has interested me since I first read about it years ago. I'll have to see if my library has a copy.

    1. I hope they do because this is a good read! :)
