
Friday, January 26, 2018

Bookish thoughts...

On finding a bookish balance.  Sometimes I have trouble finding the right balance between the library books I want to read and the books on my TBR shelf at home; between the series I want to finish and the new books I've recently discovered. (I have to admit, the newer reads usually win.)  But there ought to be a better way--a way to balance ALL the different kinds of books I want to read. I just wish I knew what it was. Got any suggestions?

On the lottery.  There's no lottery here in Utah, so I never play it, which means I'll never win it. But every once in awhile I like to imagine what I'd do if I did win all that money. I'd for sure quit my job and replace my old car with a brand new one. And maybe I'd buy a house at the beach, or take a yearlong trip around the world, flying first class, of course. There's so much I could do if I had a little extra money! It's a nice dream, isn't it? I know people say that money can't buy happiness, but I'd sure like the chance to prove them wrong.

On my weekend plans: 

So this weekend I'm headed to the Winter Bird Festival in St. George, Utah, with my sisters. I'm hoping to spot some birds that I've never seen before, as well as enjoy the sunshine and scenery of Southern Utah. Along with my hat and my binoculars--my essential birdwatching accessories--I've packed a couple of books:  How To Be A Bad Birdwatcher by Simon Barnes (for laughs) and Doubletake by Rob Thurman (for fun). So if you don't hear from me 'til Monday, that's where I'll be.

Have a great weekend everyone!
And Happy Reading!


  1. Lark, finding a bookish balance would be great, but it seems hard to figure out what that would be. Like you, I tend to read new books before the ones on my TBR - such a bad habit that I can't seem to break. Winning the lottery would be fab. I love your plans. Mine are pretty similar. Definitely travel the world, flying first class :) And building up my private library with first editions :) Enjoy your weekend with your sisters - sounds like fun! Hope you see lots of birds :)

    1. Oh, building my own private library and filling it with all my favorite books...that would be a great lottery dream! Thanks, Nadia! :)

  2. Reading is a compulsion and finding a balance is difficult! I tend to let newer books take precedence, too, because what is on the shelf is always there. I've never bought a lottery ticket, but have often imagined what I'd do if I won--fantasy, but fun. Have a great trip! Hope you get to see birds you haven't seen before!

    1. Thanks!! (And I find that I'm also a mood reader which disrupts my bookish balance ALL the time. I'm always pushing aside books I want to read for the new ones that I suddenly want to read more. Oh, well. At least I have lots of books that I do want to read.) :D

  3. I struggle with book balance too. I try to read one library book and one of my own print or ebooks every month. Or every time I listen or read a borrowed book I have to read a book I own. Make sense? Right now I’m failing because all three books I’m reading at the moment are borrowed. Sigh! Have fun in St George. I had no idea we were both from Utah. Cool! I’d love to buy happiness. I’m sure it can be done. ;)

    1. That's a good idea to alternate from the library, one that I own. I might try that. :)
      And Utah rocks!

  4. I also wish I knew the secret to the TBR balance! I always think if I own it, I will get to it later but often later is too late!

    California does have a lottery, but I rarely buy a ticket. When I do, I just keep it in my wallet for a long as possible because as long as I don’t check the numbers, I could still be a winner!

    Enjoy your birding weekend with your sisters!

    1. Thanks, Ruthiella! And I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who never seems to get around to reading my own books. I bought them because I want to read them...but then I don't. :)

  5. One of my friends moved to St. George a couple of years ago and loves it. I hope you have a blast and you'll have to share some pictures with us! I'm also with you, money may not buy happiness but let me show them otherwise! :)

    1. Right? Some of the things I could do with a little extra money would be very happy things indeed! :)

  6. Always hard to find a balance between library books and TBR pile but I find myself leaning more towards the newest books, hehe.

    Hmm... never believe in lottery but then again I don't seem to have the luck when this is concerned.

    Have fun with your trip and hope you'll get to see those birds you haven't seen before! :)

    1. Thanks, Melody! :) And I know what you mean about the newer, shinier books always trumping the others on my list.

  7. I hope you're having a lovely time at the festival!

    I started out this year determined to use the library more, to reserve books that I wanted to read rather than buying them (and then leaving them unread). At one point I had more than 20 library books, and I was feeling overwhelmed, because they were coming due and I was never going to get to all of them in time. So I've decided to limit myself to a few books per week - though this week, a bunch of holds all came in at once, with some interlibrary loans. So I'll be overwhelmed a bit again this week. But *next* week will be better.

    1. I've had to limit my library books this year, too. 'Cause I was also checking out WAY too many, then stressing out about finishing them all. How stupid. So I'm trying to be better at limiting how many books I check out this year. So far, so good. :D

  8. I struggle to get caught up on long running series especially when I buy shiny new stand alone horror books! This year I'm trying to tackle this by having a couple of challenges to run all year that I'll update each month. It lets me read a few stand alone books but reminds me that I need to keep doing series too! Money would buy me happiness I can assure you! I dream of my country prepper retreat with space for a few blogger friends maybe!

    1. Love the idea of a country prepper retreat. I'd come visit! :) And good luck catching up on all your series this year. I'm trying to play catch-up, too. :)

  9. I wish I could help you on the book balance thing. This year I set myself up for trouble by participating in two year long read-alongs. Keeping up with those and other reads is proving to be a big balancing act--one I'm not always successful at. I think my biggest struggle though is keeping up with the many series I've started . . .

    I like to dream about what I'd do if I won the lottery too. And although we do have the lottery in California, I never play. So much for that idea. LOL

    I hope you had a wonderful time at the festival!

    1. :) My weekend was great, thanks! And I know what you mean about reading challenges disrupting your regular reading flow. That's partly why I didn't sign up for any this year.

  10. Hi Lark,

    Years ago I went to Park City UT for my job. We went during the summer. Beautiful place. If I won the lottery I would like an apartment in Manhattan, maybe the upper west side near the museums and I would hire a top notch decorator to pick out the perfect furniture for my place. There would be otner things I would want to do give money to family and charity etc but that beautifully furnished Manhattan apartment has always been kind of a dream. I miss NYC.

    1. I like your lottery dream! (Only I'd substitute Paris for NYC.) :)

  11. With regards to balance, I'm finding that having a theme for my reading helps. For example, this year I'm focusing on France/Paris, which means I prioritize which books on my shelves that I want to read this year and fill in gaps with library books.

    What to do if I win the lottery is always a fun mental game--what I learn when I do indulge in the game is that most of what I really want is what I already have. Sounds trite but true.

    Enjoy your birding weekend. We have every weekend planned in April in our attempt to see prairie chickens in Colorado this year! I have a couple of new birding books to read as well. Both of yours sound marvelous!

    1. Good luck spotting those prairie chickens! (I hope you post a pic of them if you do see them.) And I like that idea of theme-reading. I do that sometimes when I've got a trip planned, too. :)
