
Saturday, November 17, 2018

A bookish gem...

How good it is to be among people who love reading!

I'd Rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life by Anne Bogel is a love letter to reading. And I loved every word of it, from her thoughts on finding the right book (or letting the right book find you) to how to organize your bookshelves. ("You're a reader; your hobby is organizing your bookshelves.") But I have to say, her chapter on Bookworm Problems made me laugh out loud. Here are three of my favorite ones:

  • You have reached your limit on library checkouts, but nine books are waiting for you on hold.
  • Your To Be Read list holds 8,972 titles, and you want to read every one.
  • Someone asks you to name your three favorite books, and you can narrow your list to only five. Or seven. Or seventeen.

I don't know about you, but I've experienced all of these bookish problems to one extent or another. (Thankfully, my To Read list is NOT in the thousands of titles...yet.) My current bookworm problem? Lack of sufficient bookshelf space!
Anyway, I'd Rather Be Reading is a delightful's short, and humorous, and very relatable, and it'd make the perfect Christmas gift for any bookworm or bibliophile.

Happy Reading!


  1. Yes, yes, yes! I loved this book and have purchased a copy for my niece who is getting her MLS degree. I think she will love it too. A very nice little book that doesn't take very long to read. No public library should be without this book, in my opinion. And my TBR - well, that's a closely guarded secret...LOL!

    1. There are some things no one needs to know but you...and that certainly includes the number of books on your TBR list. ;D

  2. I've had this one my list for a while. I guess it is time to do something about it! :)

    1. Once you start, you'll finish super fast. :)

  3. Oh this sounds like a great book every booklover will recognize things!! (I really want to re-organize my bookshelves!)

    Kind regards,

    1. She has a whole chapter on re-organizing your bookshelves that totally made me laugh.

  4. I love those bookworm problems--so true! I am majorly struggling with a lack of sufficient shelf space. Sometimes I think I might just have to give my entire house over to my books and move out. What can you do? :) Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks for your comment! And I relate about the book/space problem. ;D

  5. Omigosh, I've had all three of those problems! And the TBR list thing is only exaggerated about sevenfold. I have well over 1500 books on my combined "want-to-read" and "someday" shelves on Goodreads, and I'm rubbish at clearing them out.

    And I think lack of space is a perennial bookwyrm problem... regardless of how many shelves you have. We have 19 bookcases, and I'm out of space. Or I was, before I started pruning. Now I'm just almost out of space LOL.

    I actually checked this book out from the library, but between my reading slump and lack of time, I wasn't able to get to it before it had to go back. So I've requested it again. :-)

    1. Hope you get a chance to read it this time around. It's good for a laugh, or two. :D

  6. 1210 is my current tbrs that I own and haven't read list so getting all of them read will be an issue! I also lack the space to store them all. I don't use the library so that is one problem I can avoid!

    1. It's the library that keeps me from reading my own books, which is why my tbr list keeps growing...and growing. :D

  7. That does look like a fun book, and a great gift idea as well. Hmmm... Christmas is coming up. :)

  8. I have heard so much about this book, and I think I'll definitely get it some time in the new year (I have a tbr pile that resembles Mount Everest, so I might as well wait until I can get a less expensive used copy - my library doesn't stock a lot of English books, so I think I'll have to buy it). It does sound like a fun read - thanks for the recommendation!

    1. Thanks for commenting, Ginette! I hope you are able to find a cheap used copy of this one. :)

  9. I love these kinds of books on book! I will definitely check it out from my library and maybe buy a copy for my little "books on books' section of my personal library. :)

    1. It would make a good addition to your library! :D

  10. A must-read book to all booklovers, I'm sure. Thanks for sharing this with us, Lark! :)

    1. If you love books and reading, you'll find something to love in this book about reading. :)

  11. Oh this sounds like such a delightful read! I can definitely relate to those bookworm problems. And while my TBR isn't quite that high, it's still rather big with around 3000 books.

    1. It's surprising how fast that TBR number can grow, isn't it?

  12. This book sounds fabulous. I might have to buy it for myself for Christmas!

  13. I need to pick this one up! I LOVE Anne's podcast!

    1. It's a great book. Thanks for commenting! :)
