
Friday, December 7, 2018

The Dover Demon

As teens, Sam Brogna and three of his friends encountered the Dover Demon on a deserted country road--something they never talked about later, not even with each other. Was it a cryptid, an alien, or something else? Now, thirty years later, they're about to find out.

This book doesn't have the big in-your-face monsters like some of Hunter Shea's other novels (think They Rise and Megalodon in Paradise to name just a few), but I liked the subtler sense of horror and suspense in this one. And I loved the characters, especially Sam and his 17-year-old son, Nicky. They have such a great relationship, from working together in their comic book store to binge-watching horror movies. They were my favorite part. The non-stop action in the last half of the book is pretty good, too. But what the "Dover Demon" turned out to be in actuality wasn't very surprising or unexpected. And I have to say, I didn't love the ending. Not that it was unwarranted, it just wasn't very satisfying to me. But I can totally see why Shea ended it the way he did! (I'd be more specific, but I don't want to give anything away.) So, while this particular book will never be my favorite Hunter Shea novel, I do think it's a pretty fun and entertaining horror story. (If you like that kind of thing.)  😊

Happy Reading!


  1. How strange--I just read this article and then find your review the next day. I haven't read anything by Hunter Shea, but I'm now very interested. :p

    1. It's funny how life syncs up like that, isn't it?

  2. This is one I still have to read. I'm a bit worried about the ending now but it's good to be warned about these kinds of things!

    1. After you read this one we should compare notes on the ending, because I would love to know your thoughts! :)

  3. Well, now I'm super curious about what the Dover Demon is. I haven't read this author before, but I'm intrigued.

    1. He writes entertaining monster/horror books, which I enjoy reading every now and then. :)

  4. I have not read this author before. I admit I lean more toward thrillers than horror--and prefer subtle in my horror. But it really depends on the novel. You have me curious about this one, even with its flaws.

    1. Shea writes some fun--and different--stories. You should check him out sometime and see what you think.

  5. Sometimes it's the subtler horror stories that scare you the most. Glad to hear you enjoyed it even if it wasn't your favorite Hunter Shea story.

    1. That's so true about subtler being better sometimes. I don't really like in-your-face blood and gore.

  6. I'm sorry the ending didn't work for you :( But that the other bits were so enjoyablemakes this sound like a good read (even a wuss like me can appreciate a good horror!)

    1. And this one wasn't too dark or scary. Just unsettling.

  7. I need to get this one. I'm sure lots of people died in this one as well.

    1. Yes, there was a body count. :D
      If you do read this one, let me know what you think of the ending. 'Cause I'm curious.

  8. Sounds intriguing and that cover is sure scary. :D

  9. I might prefer his books that aren't in your face. Creature was on of my favorites this year.
