
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday

This fun weekly meme is hosted by
That Artsy Reader Girl.
What kinds of books do you find irresistible?

I like to read lots of different kinds of books, from suspense to romance. But there are certain premises and plots I always find irresistible. Here are 10 of them:

1. Disaster/Survival Reads
From airplane crashes to earthquakes to EMPs to zombies.
It really doesn't matter; I like reading about them all.

2. Extreme environments
From unexplored caves to remote jungles to Antarctica. Even Mars.
Bookish travel is the best!

3. Supernatural suspense--
Especially if it has to do with ghosts or haunted houses.
(The spookier the better!)

4. Epistolary novels
Because I love letters ... real or fictional.

5. Ancient artifacts, lost manuscripts, or hidden treasure
Especially when there are clues and puzzles to solve,
and a hint of the supernatural attached to the mystery.

6. Stories that take place at a Prep school, boarding school, or private college. The more exclusive the better. (Summer camp works, too.)

7. Gargoyles.  Or Paris.  Or cemeteries.
Preferably all three together.

8. Colonizing (in space) or homesteading (in historical fiction)

9. The whole ballet scene
(Don't ask me why. I can't explain this one. I just like to read about it.)

10. Anything to do with Art & Artists
Especially the Pre-Raphaelites and Impressionists.

What's irresistible to you?
Happy Reading!


  1. I'm with you on a lot of these themes, except for zombies, that is. ;D

  2. Yep so many good reasons here - cemeteries, supernatural, and epistolary formats. All are good enough reasons for me!

    1. Glad I'm not alone on the whole cemetery thing. But they're cool! :D

    2. When I was in college, my roommate and I would go visit the old cemeteries in town during the weekends. Odd hobby but it was fascinating.

    3. I love old cemeteries. I even visit them when I'm on vacation. Pere LaChaise was at the top of my must-see list when I went to Paris. Now that's a cool cemetery. :)

  3. Twisty twist books, atmospheric ghost stories, sexy horror (is that a thing? yes, it is!)

    1. Your sexy horror posts always make me laugh! :D

  4. I'm with you on epistolary novels (for the same reason that you mentioned!). As for no. 6 - I can relate, but I'd also add nunneries. Lost manuscripts (or diaries) are great, too. Not much into zombies or supernatural - but it's good that we're all different, isn't it?

    1. It is good that we're all different kinds of readers. But it's fun when we match up, too. Like with letters. And I can see the appeal of a nunnery, too. :D

  5. I also love reading about ghosts and haunted houses.

    My post:

    1. :D Who can resist a good haunted house story?

  6. Replies
    1. I love that we love reading the same kinds of books. :D

  7. 9 out of 10 I recognized from following your blog for the last few years. But ballet? This is new to me.

    I don’t think I’ve ever read a ballet book except for Noel Stretfield as a kid and even that I'm not 100% sure I read.

    Have you read The Crane’s Dance by Meg Howrey, Astonish Me by Maggie Shipstead and/or The Rehersal by Eleanor Catton? These are all books that are on my list which feature ballet but I’ve not read them yet.

    1. I really liked The Crane's Dance. And also Drenched in Light by Lisa Wingate, which is also ballet-oriented. I haven't read either Astonish Me or The Rehearsal. You'll have to let me know if you like them. :)

  8. Yes, to #4! Well actually to several others too. I love ghost stories books about art and artists. One type of book that I really enjoy is mysteries with a victorian setting.

    1. I really like books set in the Victorian period, too. :)

  9. I'm with you on a lot of these! Disaster books are some of my favorites. I haven't read as many of them lately, but I'm always on the lookout for more to add to my TBR list. And supernatural suspense! Yes! Love them! :)

  10. YES boarding school. And ballet!

    1. Yay. I'm not alone! :) Thanks for commenting.

  11. Cemeteries! Yes. I love cemeteries, whether they're peaceful or creepy or a little bit of both :)

    1. Cemeteries are the best, aren't they? I love when they're a little bit creepy. :)

  12. Yes! I love disaster/survival reads, colonizing or homesteading, and epistolary reads, too! Great list, Lark! :)

  13. Great list! Yes to Paris, the 19th century and cemeteries!! And letters. I love letters.

    Kind regards,

    1. We should find a book set in Paris, or told in letters to read together!

  14. I am loving how many times Paris has cropped up on people's lists this week! It's not just meeeee lol

  15. Hi Lark, great list which got me thinking about the kind of books I enjoy reading. Like you I enjoy homesteading books where people go to remote places to see if they can make it in the wilderness. I enjoy books set during the Great Depression probably for the same reason, people having to rely on their own ingenuity to make ends meet. I often hope I will get ideas from these books. I also like Victorian lit, travel memoirs, books set in Alaska, books written in diary form.

    1. Hi, Kathy! Homesteading books are a real draw for me. I love books told in diary form, too. And Victorian lit. is the best. :)

  16. Disasters, all of the #5, boarding school. GARGOYLES. These are all excellent.

  17. Yes, yes, yes to disaster reads, extreme environments, and haunted houses. :)

  18. Yes to disasters and extreme environments! I love EMPs, wild weather and natural disasters, pandemics and terrorist attack plots.

    1. I'd hate to live through any of them but they sure are fun to read about! :D

  19. I am with you on no. 1, EMP situations. Anything set in Victorian times in England like Anthony Trollope novels. Historical fiction. The Paris Wife, Becoming Mrs. Lewis, etc. Many mystery series. Novels set in India.

    1. Victorian times almost made my list, too. :) Thanks for commenting.
