
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Gotta love a little free library!

I found this one close to my own neighborhood.
Isn't it cute?

Next time I go by I'll have to check out a book.

And maybe leave one of my own in exchange.

(Found any Little Free Libraries near you?)

Happy Reading!


  1. We've an exchange corner in some libraries but I thought this is so cute!

  2. Where we live the yobs would set fire to it for fun at weekends...glad where you live is more civilised!

    1. Don't you hate destructive idiots? We sometimes get beer cans thrown into our backyard and it's very annoying.

  3. I want to have one in my front yard! I have the perfect spot for it!

    1. That would be so much fun! But who do you get to build it?

    2. I think you can buy them as kits now.

  4. No I haven't seen one by me, but that's awesome! I would totally contribute to that! :)

    1. I was so excited when I walked past this one. The world needs more little free libraries! :D

  5. Little Free Libraries are so fun! The closest one to me used to be at my MIL's house, but then she moved :( There is one close to my favorite indie new/used bookstore, so I drop off any books the bookstore won't buy back at the LFL for someone else to enjoy :)

  6. Aren't these Little Free Libraries darling and such a neighborly thing to have. I visit one every day when walking Bounce and there are two others I occasionally visit and I like to add books to their shelves.

  7. That is awesome! I would love for there to be one near where I live, but that is very unlikely. Not too many readers around here. Oh well. Definitely check out a book :)

    1. It's sad that we live in a world with so few readers in it. I wish there were more of us. :)

  8. I have friends who have had one for several years. They had problems with the Metropolitan Planning Commission initially, but strong support from neighbors and readers who saw the problem in the news finally overcame resistance!

    1. Yay for them! Who would be against a Little Free Library? I'm glad the good side won.

  9. Very cute! I hope you do go visit it again soon.

    1. I think I might change my walking route so I can pass by it more often. :)

  10. I've never seen one around Houston, but I'm sure they're out there somewhere. I was in contact a while back with a woman from Shreveport, LA when authorities there were trying to make her take hers down. I need to check back in with her to see how it turned out.

    1. I've finally found one in my neighborhood (west side of Houston). I've been donating books to my library's book sale, but I might drop a few off there instead.

    2. We definitely need to support the Little Free Libraries. :)

  11. There are two in my neighborhood but typically I am walking the dogs in the evening and don't have free hands to grab anything! But they are fun and I have both donated and partook of these.

    It's not as cute, but my workplace has shelves in the cafeteria area with books for employees to enjoy or add to. :D

    1. That's nice that your work has books that everyone can read and share. I wish they'd do that at my job.

  12. That is so cool! I haven't seen any around my neighborhood, but it'd be neat if there was.

    1. This is the first I've seen where I live.

  13. This is lovely :-) There's an open bookshelf in my town where people can donate and take out books, and there's another one in the building where I work. -

    I wish, however, people would stop calling these book exchange closets / open shelves 'libraries'. These are no libraries - these are book exchanges! Libraries are places that employ proper staff who carefully select and build a media collection, and libraries are places where people can meet.

    Sorry for the rant - I don't mean to sound obnoxious. But language matters. If people keep referring to these donation places as 'libraries', it's no surprise that people in councils etc. think that professionally run town libraries and community centres aren't necessary any more 'because you can get it all for free at the little free library, and if you need info, there's the internet'. Public libraries are suffering from cutdowns already because council folks don't understand they are more than open bookshelves.

    1. I agree, Ginette. Language matters, and so do libraries! And it's sad that so many public libraries are without adequate funding and are shutting down. I don't know what I'd do without my local library. I hope I never have to find out.

  14. I was really thrilled to find one up the road from us but it's a metal one & not as cute as yours.

    1. I think it's fun to see how different these Little Free Libraries can be.

  15. It's so fun to see the Little Free Libraries. We have several in my neighborhood and I'm happy to see them stocked up and with people often stopping at them. I have done so as well but it's been a while since I've made it a point to go check one out. Need to remedy that!

    1. They are fun. Almost makes me want to put one up in my yard.

  16. That is super cute. I have a couple in my town I should post pictures of - they are nice! My dream it to put one in my yard someday!

    1. I'd love to see the Little Free Libraries in your town! And I hope you get one of your own someday. :D

  17. Love, love, love little libraries—great way to build community.

  18. What a happy sight! Every time I see a LFL it makes me smile.
