
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Coronavirus craziness...

So most of you know I like to read apocalyptic and dystopian fiction, especially books involving zombies, natural disasters, EMPs, and even pandemics. But while I like to read about these things, I've never wanted to actually live through one.

But here we are. Right smack dab in the middle of a worldwide pandemic.

I think the worst thing for me is that unsettled feeling that comes with not knowing what will happen next, and the worry I have for my mom who is part of that older and most vulnerable population. If I get sick I'll be fine; if she does....  Watching the news doesn't help. Neither does the fact that normal life as been so disrupted. Public schools, libraries, and other places closed. Church and other events cancelled. Panic buying at the grocery stores. It's all so crazy!

I have to keep reminding myself that even though it might feel like the end of the world, it really isn't. Things might be hard, but we've lived through hard things before. And nothing bad lasts forever. This pandemic will come to an end. Life will go back to normal. Until then, I just have to keep breathing... and believing. And I have to cling to those things that make life worthwhile:  my family, my faith, love, laughter, good friends, hope, prayer, and those shining moments of happiness that come even in the midst of all the darkness.

Hang in there everyone! 
Stay well. Stay calm.
And never stop looking for the positive things in life.
Especially now.

P.S. Woke up to a 5.7 earthquake this morning. Fun times! Thankfully, there was no damage where I live and my family is all doing fine. I wonder what fun thing will happen next. 


  1. Great post and well said, Lark! It's been crazy everywhere and I definitely agree with that unsettling feeling, but I'm hoping things will get better soon with all the social distancing and all the measures we're asked to follow.

    1. I hope you're right! *fingers crossed*. Stay well in Singapore. :)

  2. Although we are taking precautions and adjusting to some new facts of life, I still have trouble believing how quickly and dramatically life has changed. It does feel as if we have been thrust into a dystopian novel, doesn't it? A strange new world to navigate. I'm thankful for so many things I took for granted a week ago.

    1. It does feel like a fictional world right now. But you're right, it does make you very grateful for the good things in your life.

  3. Thanks for the good thoughts and to you as well! These are unsettling times. Keep well, you and your loved ones.

  4. Great post. We saw it coming here like an avalanche in slow motion... I'm in Central Europe, so we're at the epicentre of the whole thing (apart from China, Europe has the most registered cases, apparently). This, too, shall pass - I just hope we'll learn from this. Take care and be safe!

    1. You are right in the middle of it! And your description of watching it come on like an avalanche in slow motion is spot on. You can see it coming, but can do anything to stop it. I hope you're okay, and that you stay well and safe!

    2. Thank you. I think most of us are scared by the uncertainty that suddenly rules our lives. It brings out the best and the worst in people, really. My mother always used to say that the good thing about bad times is that they shall pass eventually, too. I'm trying to remember this these days. - Thinking of you and sending positive vibes!

  5. Very well said, Lark! My friend and I were just talking about how we're living in a dystopia right now. It's so surreal. Stay safe! :)

    1. Hi, Ashley! Yes, it does feel very surreal right a bad dream I'd like to wake up from. :)

  6. I feel the same way. My dad is 87 and has emphysema. If he gets this I don't know if he'll survive. My husband is immunocompromised too so I don't know if he would do ok if he got it either.

    1. It's scary to think about what might happen to people like my mom and your dad and husband. Makes me want to not leave the house. :)

  7. Yikes an earthquake! As if there isn't enough going on, right?? I love this post though- thanks for reminding us of the positives, and that this too shall pass. We hope haha! No seriously though- it is something we need t keep reminding ourselves!

    I was thinking the same thing the other day- I want to READ about this stuff, not live it!

    1. Right? This stuff is much more fun when it's in the pages of a book, not on the nightly news. :)

  8. I hope your mom stays healthy. I have similar worries about some of my relatives.

    1. Don't you wish you could just put a bubble around them all and keep them safe through all of this?

  9. I have felt like a character in one of those books, getting last minute supplies, trying to work out if I have's been really weird. My uncle is in his 70's with a chronic lung condition. My dad is in his 60's with asthma so I'm worried about them and I totally get your fears. I've read so many pandemic books but most don't cover the crippling fear we have about what is going on! And geez, an earthquake too? Oh that's just what you guys needed!!!

    Stay safe Lark, and I'll be thinking about your mother.

  10. Hi Lark, very well said. I too am worried. I work part time as a cashier at a major supermarket chain. It's become a risky job but I do wear gloves. I guess a part of me never having had the flu is in denial. I keep thinking of that book we read Earth Abides. Fortunately the coronavirus will never be like that but how bad could it get? And then there is the economy as well. It's amazing how quickly things can change. No one was thinking about any of this in January. Stay safe and I hope ypu and your Mom are well.

    1. Thanks, Kathy! I really appreciate that. :)

  11. Well said indeed -- we just need to hang in there and not give in to the anxieties that are driving people nuts. It's scary how little people care about each other -- it really comes out nopw.And I hear you -- 've binged on the news and updates all week and now I'm done.

    1. Other people's panic can really amp up mine, so I'm trying to not let that happen. And turning off all the hype about it on the news does help. Stay safe, Verushka! :)

  12. Great thoughts and I'm wishing you and your family well. An earthquake? Aren't you dealing with enough??? Stay safe!

    1. We hardly ever have earthquakes here; it was so jolting yesterday. And stressful. But we're okay. I just hope nothing else unexpected comes our way.

  13. I feel the same. I am taking it one day at a time and trying my best to shut down doom and gloom feelings. It's all out of my control and I'll deal with each thing as it arrives.

    1. That's really all we can do. Take each day as it comes, and hope tomorrow is a little better. Stay safe! :)

  14. Thanks for that message Lark. It's tough not knowing what will come next. I know you are doing all you can to keep your mom safe and healthy. I too have elderly parents and am so lucky that I have my sister to help me shoulder the responsibility.

    1. Good luck keeping everyone in your family safe and well! :)

  15. Definitely interesting times we are living in and, yes, I've felt like part of this was a plot from a book. Probably one I've read. Maybe THE STAND - oh, let's not let it get that bad, please. Ha! Hope you and your family will weather this well and safe. Take care and big hugs!

    1. I hope this isn't like The Stand. That would be too scary! Thanks for the hug. :)

  16. Utah is getting slammed! Yikes. Stay safe and healthy, Lark! I agree with your outlook - apocalypses are more fun in books, bad things don't last forever, and God is in charge. Things will get better. It's just a matter of when. Hang in there!

    1. Thanks, Susan! This is one of those times where I am even more grateful that I have the gospel in my life. You know?

  17. You must be in the Salt Lake valley -- I read about the earthquake. I have a lot of family there. Maybe once this coronavirus is behind us and I can finally visit them again, we could meet up at a bookstore or go somewhere for tea.

    Continue clinging to the things that bring you joy. The pandemic will pass eventually, and light and love and beauty and faith will help carry us through.

    1. Argh, I accidentally deleted a paragraph. I meant to say, I understand the worry for your mom. I think a lot of us worry more for our loved ones than ourselves. All we can do, I think, is do our best to help all our loved ones get through this with as much grace and optimism as we can muster.

    2. You're so right! Thanks for your kind and positive thoughts. They definitely help. And it'd be fun to meet up sometime here in Salt Lake. Until then...take care of you and your family! :)
