
Friday, November 6, 2020

The Lost and Found Bookshop by Susan Wiggs


Short summary of the plot: 
Natalie Harper has a safe job she doesn't really like, and a safer boyfriend she just doesn't love. But everything in her life changes when her mother unexpectedly dies. Now Natalie is in charge of her mother's beloved bookstore, The Lost and Found Bookshop, and she's also responsible for her aging grandfather who's been experiencing memory issues. To make matters worse, the bookstore is drowning in debt and unpaid bills. The logical answer is to sell it. Only the historic San Francisco building that houses the bookshop belongs to her grandfather, and he refuses to sell because he's convinced there's a treasure hidden somewhere inside. But the old building is practically falling down around them and in need of some serious repairs, none of which Natalie can afford. So, to keep her grandfather happy, Natalie has to figure out some way to save her mother's bookshop. 

My thoughts:
The thing I loved most about this book is Natalie's sweet relationship with her grandfather, and how she tries so hard to honor and take care of him. I also loved the bookstore and its interesting history. Bookstores have always been a favorite setting of mine. Then there's Peach Gallagher, the ex-marine Natalie hires to do some repairs on the bookstore, and his cute daughter Dorothy. They're both such great characters; I loved them, too. Books, family, friendship, loss, hope, and love. All of these things make this novel a joy to read. And it's got a happy ending, too! And right now, don't we all need one of those?

Happy Reading!


  1. I'm off to Goodreads to look this up. Absolutely 'love' the sound of it.

    1. I thought it was a very fun book. It made me smile. :)

  2. Oh, this sounds good. A bookshop, family, friendship--a panacea for our current times. :)

    1. I just needed a book with a happy ending right now! :)

  3. This sounds like just the kind of read we need right now. Plus, I'm a sucker for bookshop settings. This is going on my wishlist. :)

  4. Bookish folks tend to be drawn to stories revolving around books, bookshops and libraries. I think that my wife might really like this one so I will let her know about it.

    1. You're so right! I can never resist a book about books or bookshops. :)

  5. Does sound really good. I've read so many similar titles and covers, I've just wasted five minutes making sure I haven't already read it. How sad is that? :-)

    1. That happens to me all the time! It's why I started tracking my books on Goodreads. I got tired of checking books out that I'd already read. ;D

  6. Can't resist a book with a bookish theme. And the premise sounds like a good read, too! :)

    1. Books and bookstores, reading and romance...always a good combination. :)

  7. The ex-marine's name is Peach? Lol! This sounds like a story I'd love! Off to check it out. :)

    1. It's because he's from Georgia! :D Hope you like it as much as I did.

  8. Even though I've read several books with the "bookstore is about to be lost" storyline, I still can't help but want to read this one. Who doesn't want to see a bookstore survive! Looking forward to this one.

    1. Exactly! I'm all for person, and in books. :)

  9. I have this one on my TBR shelf and am looking forward to reading it. I am so glad you enjoyed it, Lark!

    1. It was just fun, light-hearted and entertaining. :)

  10. I actually took the audio from the library but, then returned it thinking I might like the print more. Glad u loved this one.

    1. I always prefer the print version of books myself. Hope you get a chance to read this one! :)

  11. I love a good bookstore setting

  12. I've always liked bookstores too. I remember going in the bookstores with my mom when I was a kid.

    1. Some of my favorite memories revolve around bookstores and libraries! :)

  13. Hi Lark, I too enjoy novels set in bookstores and even more so novels in which the main characters are all members of the same book club. Its important too I think that books get discussed by the characters if the author is going to set the novel in a bookstore.

    1. I agree. If a bookstore is going to be part of a story, then books need to play a part, too. :)

  14. On my goodness, this sounds so lovely! I love the sounds of the relationship between Natalie and her grandfather.

    1. That was my favorite thing about this book! :)

  15. I'm glad you enjoyed this one. I just got a copy of it, so I'm planning to read it soon-ish. Glad it's worth it and, yes, I absolutely need happy endings right now!

  16. I too have a weakness or books set in a bookstore. Adding to my wishlist, thanks for the review!
