
Sunday, February 7, 2021

A Children's Classic

I don't remember when I bought Queen Zixi of Ix; or, the Story of the Magic Cloak by L. Frank Baum, but I do remember why. It was because of how much I love Baum's Oz books. Growing up, I read them over and over: Ozma of Oz, Tik-tok of Oz, Glinda of Oz. All fourteen of them. So when I saw a copy of this book, I couldn't resist buying it. Why it's taken me so long to get around to reading it is another story.

Queen Zixi of Ix was published in 1905. Baum called it one of his best efforts and "nearer to the old-fashioned fairy tale than anything I have yet accomplished." It begins with a bored fairy queen who weaves a magic cloak capable of granting one wish to its wearer, but only if it's given to that person, NOT stolen. It's also about two orphans, Bud and Fluff, who have just lost their father. In a strange twist of fate, Bud ends up as the new King of Noland, and his sister, now the Princess Fluff, ends of with the magic cloak. When Queen Zixi of the neighboring Kingdom of Ix hears about the cloak, she determines to steal it, even though she's a powerful witch in her own right. Along the way, the cloak grants many wishes to many different people, most of them foolish and silly, and Bud and Fluff have quite the adventure until the fairy queen comes to take the cloak away. It's classic Baum: delightful and charming, with several unique magical creatures, fun plays on words, and an old-fashioned moral at the end. I still love the Oz books best, but I enjoyed reading this one. And it counts as my Children's Classic for Karen's Back to the Classics Challenge

Happy Reading!


  1. I definitely need to read more Oz books.

    1. Yes! The Oz books are wonderful. Reading this book made me want to go back and reread my favorites. :)

  2. Replies
    1. I was pretty fun to read. And one less TBR off my shelf! :)

  3. I read most of the Oz books when I was a kid- don't know if I got through all fourteen but at least ten. They were so creative! I never heard of this one though.

    1. I'd never heard of this one when I was reading the Oz books either; I ran across it years later and bought it because I like L. Frank Baum so much.

  4. I've never heard of this series, but how wonderful that it stands up even now! Wonderful review, Lark! :)

    1. It's very much an old-fashioned children's story. Which I like. :)

  5. I didn't realize these books were written that long ago!

    1. Over a hundred years ago! It's hard to believe. :)

  6. I've never read the Oz books but I used to have a friend who was obsessed by them. He's collected multiple first edition copies of all of them along with all kinds of stuff associated with the Wizard of Oz movie. For a while he even grew his hair out, and I swear he looked just like the Lion character from the movie. It was uncanny.

    1. That's hilarious about him looking like the Cowardly Lion. In the books, the lion is one of my favorite characters. :)

  7. I read the Wizard of Oz for the first time a couple years ago and loved it. I will have to give this a try. It sounds fun.

    1. I liked it. Though, I like the Oz books better. :D

  8. This does sound fun! I've read a bunch of the Oz books, but nothing else by him--I did know he wrote some non-Oz books. Sounds like they might be worth looking into...

    1. Someday I'd like to read the one he wrote about The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus. :)

  9. Sounds fun! I used to love the Oz books.

  10. How fun! I really need to read more L. Frank Baum books. :)

    1. I've loved the Oz books ever since I was little. :)

  11. This sounds really charming. I've never read any of the Baum books.

    1. He's a good author. I've long been a fan of his children's books. :)

  12. I've never read any of the books you mentioned.

    1. Most people have only heard of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and only then because of the movie. (But the book is better!)

  13. I've never read the Oz books myself, but my Mom has always mentioned enjoying them as a child. I'll have to add them to my own TBR!

    1. Tik-Tok of Oz is my favorite, followed closely by Ozma of Oz and Glinda of Oz.

  14. Haven't read Baum's books before but I think I would enjoy thisI

    1. It was fun. And I liked all the different characters.

  15. This sounds like a fun read! I hope our library have these books.

    1. I hope they have some of Baum's books. Everyone should read at least one Oz book in their lifetime. :)

  16. My family was a big Oz family. My mother read each of us the 14 Baum books and we had a couple first editions that had survived my grandmother's childhood (she had a "jeweled" belt she used to wear and pretend she was the Nome King and boss her siblings around). My favorites are Ozma of Oz and The Lost Princess of Oz. We got Zixi later so I don't remember it as well.

    1. That is so awesome! Ozma of Oz is one of my favorites, too. I also love Tik-Tok of Oz and Glinda of Oz. But really, they're all good. :D

  17. I don't think I ever read any of these when I was a kid, but this one sounds like such a fun read!

    1. I got introduced to them because we owned a few, and then my parents checked the rest out from the library for me. :)

  18. I was never a huge fan of Oz but I always loved Toto. Go figure huh?

    1. Well Toto was awesome! In the books, he can talk. :)

  19. Look at you! Already one Classic Challenge book done and dusted! :D This book sounds delightful. I love the idea that the magic only works if the magical object is freely given. What a great plot device!

    1. It was a fun plot device. :D And I started with the easiest classic book on my list. I always seem to read the short ones first. That's probably why I never get all 12 books read; by the time I get to the end of the year I only have the hardest and the longest left to read...and I usually quit. But I'm hoping to do better this year.

  20. Baum is genial, he’s never condescending, and he’s gently funny though I have the idea, professional writer who knew his markets as he was, he was writing more for girls than for boys with all the birthday parties with cake, confectionery, darling animals, flowers, presents, pretty clothes, and most importantly, nobody left out and everybody getting along.

    1. Yeah, all that princess-y stuff really does play more towards girls, doesn't it? Though what I loved most about Oz, besides all my favorite characters, were the talking animals, the adventures they went on, the magical items, and the fact that there were book trees! :) Thanks for commenting.
