
Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a fun weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's theme: Characters whose job I wish I had. (But I also included book titles that mention jobs that sound like fun.) Here's my list:

The Lucky Dog Matchmaking Service by Beth Kendrick
(Matching up dogs and people? Sounds like fun to me.)

The Ghost of Blackwood Hall by Carolyn Keene
(It's Nancy Drew! I've always wanted to be her.)

Who Wants to Marry a Cowboy? by Abigail Sharpe 
(Okay, I know this isn't an actual job, but it should be!)

The Little Bookshop on the Seine by Rebecca Raisin
(Books. Paris. Sounds like the perfect job to me!)

Fallout (Lois Lane #1) by Gwenda Bond
(It's Lois Lane! Need I say more?)

Girl on a Wire by Gwenda Bond
(Because once upon a time I dreamed of joining a circus.)

The Lighthouse Keeper by Cynthia Ellingsen
(I've always wanted to live in a lighthouse!)

A Mile in my Flip-Flops by Melody Carson
(Because flipping houses in books always seems to work out for the heroine more ways than one.)

Girl With a Camera by Carolyn Meyer
(This would be such a cool career; I've always loved photography!)

Happy Reading!


  1. I loved Nancy Drew and my husband and SIL call me that now as I'm always playing internet detective these days LOL

    1. :D Bookish roots run deep. Once a Nancy Drew fan, always a Nancy Drew fan.

  2. OMG, that Nancy Drew book is the first book I read by Carolyn Keene! Although mine has a different cover, seeing this has brought back many wonderful memories. :)

    1. Nancy Drew books were the best. But that's funny the one Nancy Drew mystery I randomly picked is the first one you ever read. Talk about bookish serendipity! :)

  3. I had to laugh at this topic and your responses! That really is a good topic for revealing a reader's interests. :)

  4. Matching up dogs and people sounds amazing!

    My post:

  5. I have read a few books by Melody Carlson. A really fine writer, i particularly like the teenage girl diary series she has written. I think it would be fun to live in A Lighthouse but I also think its probably alot of work keeping the Lighthouse liveable. But a two week vacation would be great.

    1. Ooh...a two-week vacation in a lighthouse would be amazing. I wonder if that's even available somewhere.

  6. Working in a bookshop on the Seine? DREAM.
    My TTT:

    1. Wouldn't that be an amazing job? I would love to do that for a year, or two. :D thanks for commenting!

  7. Cowboy bride would be a VERY interesting career! Let me know how it goes for you :)

    Happy TTT!

  8. I love the idea of being a doggie-human matchmaker! And absolute yes to anything to do with books. :) Great list!

    1. A job with books would be really great, wouldn't it? Thanks for commenting! :)

  9. Love the way you've done this, really put a smile on my face. :-)

  10. Nancy Drew! I always wanted to be a sleuth growing up thanks to those and the Hardy Boys. :)

    1. I loved both Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys, too! :)

  11. Yep, I'd like to be Nancy Drew too! Love lighthouses as well! I'd love to live in one sometime. It seems like an isolated life, but sometimes I'd just love to unplug in a picturesque, by-the-sea location! With a Kindle solar charger, of course! :)

    1. Unplugging and spending several weeks on a beach by the sea sounds so good to me! As long as there was also plenty of books to read. :D

  12. I used to like the idea of living in a secure lighthouse and making it zombie proof! I could read my way through tons of books, have solar powered energy to run a TV and DVD player and sit out the apocalypse in peace!

    1. A zombie-proof lighthouse would be awesome in an apocalypse. Especially if you have lots of books to read and solar panels to run your fridge and TV. :D

  13. Great list. Nancy Drew is such a great choice, really takes me back to my childhood. Totally wish I added it to my TTT.

    1. She was the first character I thought of when I saw this week's TTT theme. Thanks for commenting! :)

  14. I always wanted to be Nancy Drew too. And I love the idea of a dog matchmaking service. That sounds like such a cool job. :)

  15. Just the thought of matching up dogs with people makes me smile. That would be such a fun and rewarding job.

  16. That Lucky Dog book is on my TBR but I keep reading library books that are about to be overdue instead!

    I had fun writing a paper on Nancy Drew for grad school last fall. She represents a fun part of most people's childhood.

    1. I have that same problem with library books! It's why I never seem to get any of the books that I own read; I'm always trying to get my library books read before they're due. :D

  17. I liked Nancy Drew when I was a kid.

  18. Now that I'm retired, I sometimes wonder what my life would have been like if I'd followed a path leading me to one of those jobs I dreamed about having as a kid. Unfortunately, none of the fun jobs would have put a lot of food on the table, but I do wonder...

    1. That's the problem with fun jobs...they don't pay well. :)

  19. This is a very interesting concept for this weeks' list. I always thought that Lighthouse Keepers may have led a dull life. I could be wrong though.

    I have to give my own list some thought. If I throw science fiction books in the mix it opens up all sorts of possibilities.

    1. I didn't even think of adding in any science fiction books...those jobs would be super cool. :)

  20. It would be fun to be a photographer. I would want to take nature pictures. Great list!

    1. And to travel the world while doing it! :)

  21. Nancy Drew! Goodness, yes, I wanted to be like Nancy too. I think she was the first heroine book crush I ever had. And this just reminded me that there's a new Nancy Drew show out there? I simply *have* to try it out now!
    ~ Lex (
    P.S. Yes to living in a lighthouse too.

    1. Nancy Drew has become such an iconic figure. I tried the new TV show, and there were some things I really liked about it, and some things I didn't. You'll have to let me know what you think.

  22. Replies
    1. She was also so capable and fearless and independent. And she had a cool car! ;D

  23. Oh some great choices! I wanted to be Nancy too! :)

  24. Love the theme! Yes, I think we all want to be Nancy Drew :) and yes, living in a lighthouse would be way cool. Not entirely sure the circus life is for me, but fun to fantasize.

    1. There was something about the circus that always fascinated me growing up. Not so much now, but still.... :)

  25. I loved Nancy Drew as a kid. But I think I wanted to be her friend George, the athletic one!

    1. George was awesome! I loved when they worked together. :)
