
Thursday, September 1, 2022


In bookish 'news:' I recently won a copy of Charlaine Harris's An Easy Death from Goodreads. It looks like a fun read:

It's hard to believe it's September! Especially because we're experiencing record-setting temperatures here in Utah this week. Five days above 101, with more to come. I'm so sick of the heat. I'd really like some cool fall temperatures right about now. 

My 2022 Reading Challenges update:  I'm doing really well on this year's Back to the Classics Challenge; I've already finished nine of the twelve categories and only have three more to go. But I'm totally tanking the Backlist Reader Challenge. Originally, my goal was to read 20 books from off my own shelves, but so far I've only read seven...and I've only blogged about three. I meant to focus on my own books in July, but then I checked out a bunch of library books I wanted to read more instead. So I'm thinking I probably won't reach my goal in this reading challenge this year. Which isn't surprising. I usually lose steam on reading challenges about halfway through the year. In the future I need to remember that one reading challenge per year is my limit.  

Really enjoyed this DVD (she's invisible, but he can see her):

Books recently checked out of the library:
City Folk & Country Folk by Sofia Khvoshchinskaya
Every Last Fear by Alex Finlay 
The Wedding Plot by Paula Munier
Buried in a Good Book by Tamara Berry
Burning Bright by Melissa McShane
How the Penguins Saved Veronica by Hazel Prior
Tahoe Deathfall by Todd Borg
Belle: An Amish Retelling of Beauty and the Beast by Sarah Price

Love this quote and this magnet! 
(Which I bought while on vacation in Montana back in June.)

Happy Reading!


  1. Replies
    1. Isn't it great? I saw that magnet and just had to buy it! :D

  2. Congrats on winning An Easy Death! That's so exciting!

    I can't believe it's September either. This year has flown by! I hope you get some relief from the heat soon. We finally got some relief here in West Texas with some much-needed rain and cooler temps this week. Hoping it continues. I'm so ready for Fall. :)

    1. I would love some rain and cooler temps! I'm glad you got some where you live. :)

  3. That's good advice from the bison! I hope you enjoy the Charlaine Harris book.

    1. I hope so, too. It looks like a fun read, but I've never read her before so... :)

  4. I haven't read Charlaine Harris in so long!

    1. I've heard good things about her books, so I'm looking forward to reading this one. :)

  5. I LOVE THAT MAGNET! I don't think I'm going to meet my reading challenge goal on Goodreads, but with everything that's been going on around here, I'm not all that surprised.

    1. Some years are like that. Especially lately! I've been so stressed this week I haven't even opened up a book. Hopefully life calms down soon.

  6. I have really enjoyed the Charlaine Harris series. I hope you have a great September.

    1. Thank you. I'm looking forward to reading An Easy Death, though starting a new series is always tricky when I have to many others I'm behind in. ;D

  7. Congratulation on you Goodreads win! I love that Bison advice!

    1. Isn't the Bison advice great? I love that magnet. :)

  8. Oh heck, sorry about your awful temps. :-( I hope you like How the Penguins Saved Veronica, I loved it.

    1. I'm looking forward to reading it...I'll sit by the AC vent and try to pretend I'm in Antarctica, too. ;D

  9. Love it.

  10. Congrats on the Goodreads win! That's always fun. I can relate on the heat. It's been so hot and humid here. Good luck on all your reading challenges.

  11. Congrats on winning the Harris book! Hope it's fun. I hear you on reading challenges. I think I do much better when they are short because (like R.I.P. or Paris in July) otherwise it's too long and I lose focus and get caught up in other books. The Bison quote is so good. Enjoy your weekend and hopefully cooler temps are coming!

    1. Thank you! I tend to lose focus on reading challenges about halfway through the year.

  12. Congrats! And that is way too hot eek.

    1. It is way too hot! They're predicting several days of 103 temps next week. Ugh.

  13. Congratulations on the book! It is ALWAYS fun winning a book. I have not won any from Goodreads but I love to hear that others have :) Sorry about the heat, that is miserable. I am also ready for fall.

    1. I've won several books from Goodreads now, but never the ones I REALLY want to win, you know? Still, it's a free book and that always makes me happy. And it looks like a fun read. :D

  14. That BISON has great advice! "Have a strong spirit." - I like that.

  15. Those temperatures are alarming. Keep safe and well.

    1. Thank you! Luckily, the nights have been cooler so that helps a lot.

  16. I love Charlaine Harris. I'll have to check that one out.

  17. I really enjoyed An Easy Death and hope you will too! I am looking forward to putting this heat behind us. I hope your temperatures cool down soon. Have a great September, Lark!

    1. We're going to be setting records again this week, but they say we may 'drop down' to only 95 degrees by Friday. Which is still too hot for me!

  18. The bison advice is fantastic! It's going to be down to the wire for me for my reading goals. I'm going to have to do some serious revamps next year. I overestimated how many projects I could do in one year. Our temps have dropped here thankfully but the humidity is through the roof so outside is so unpleasant and the mosquitos are out in force! Have a happy September!

    1. I knew in January I shouldn't have signed up for two reading challenges, but I was very gung ho and full of optimism. Now I'm just tired. Revamping goals next year sounds like a good idea to me. ;D

  19. It's so fun to win a Goodreads giveaway, partly because it happens so rarely. Congrats! I hope it's good. Yes, I'm so over this heat wave! Fall please! I read that Alex Finely, and thought it was pretty good. Hope you like it too. :)

    1. I'm looking forward to the Alex Finlay. Me and Melody are reading together as our next buddy read. And I am so ready for Fall!

  20. Wish I could send some rains to your end, Lark. It's not monsoon season yet but we've been experiencing more rains this time than before. Mother Nature is acting up.
    Can't wait for our buddy read! ;)

    1. I wish you could send us some of your rain, too!

  21. Our temps here in Arizona are even higher and they'll stay that way for awhile. I hope you get some nice Fall weather soon. It's my favorite time of the year in Utah. Enjoy it for me!

    1. I love fall weather, too...but I'm beginning to think we're never going to get some.
