
Thursday, June 1, 2023


Thoughts on it's being June:  Can you believe it's already June? I feel like this year is going by fast. But I really hope time slows down for a bit now so I can relax and enjoy the summer, and not look up and discover that it's already September. I work at an elementary school so I get time off in the summer. And while I don't have any road trips or exotic vacations planned, there are things I want to do this summer. Like take a pottery class, go horsebackriding, spend time drawing, painting and crocheting, do some birdwatching and some hiking, visit a museum or two, and hopefully go to a concert...or a play. Oh, and some family game nights are a must! I'd also like to practice being more mindful and present in the moment, and fully embrace every day. Because that was the word I chose at the beginning of the year. Embrace! So this summer I'm going to consciously embrace joy, gratitude, positivity, and hope. And hopefully let go of all the worry and stress.

I just finished reading Saving Aziz by Chad Robichaux. This incredible true story is both eye-opening and heartbreaking. It started of a little slow, but boy is it worth reading! ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Here are the books I just checked out of the library...these are my June reading plan (though things can always change with my mood ... and with more library holds unexpectedly coming in):
Lunar Love by Lauren Kung Jessen (my next buddy read with Melody)
The Hard Parts by Oksana Masters
How to Date a Superhero (And Not Die Trying) by Cristina Fernandez
The Instructor by T.R. Hendricks
The Blind Descent by Nevada Barr
Uncharted by Adriana Anders
A New Leash on Love by Debbie Burns
The Honeymoon Cottage by Lori Foster
Falling in Love on Sweetwater Lane by Belle Calhoune
The Country Guesthouse by Robyn Carr 
Crooked River by Preston & Child

 And lastly, a favorite quote about I totally agree with:

Happy Reading!


  1. I really liked reading about your thoughts. I didn't know you were a primary school teacher but I'm not surprised.
    Have a great summer!

    1. Thanks, Marianne! summer is always one of my favorite times of years...mostly because I have more time to read and play. Guess I've never really grown up. :D

    2. I hope I never grow up. LOL. I don't like summer very much because I can't tolerate the heat. But I understand why you like it.

  2. Love reading about your summer plans. I didn't know you were a primary school teacher either. My eldest daughter is a teaching assistant in a primary school. She loves it but has another six weeks to go till summer break and can't wait. I hope you get to Blind Descent. Such a good book!

    1. I do reading intervention with groups of students who are below level on their's something I really enjoy. And I'm looking forward to Blind Descent...I love books set in caves! :D

  3. I read and enjoyed that Nevada Barr book many, many years ago. I think you will enjoy it, too. BTW, my older daughter also works at an elementary school. Unfortunately, she only gets a couple of weeks off though, and then she spends the rest of the time preparing for the new school year.

    1. I'm looking forward to my two months off from work; I have big plans to read and do some writing. Though I do kind of miss my students.

  4. Love it. Regine

  5. Love the quote! (Though that is why they invented electricity, right...?)

  6. I love the quote! I am bummed that I have a part-time job. This is the first summer I have worked in YEARS, LOL, so I am mourning my free time, LOL. I am also enjoying the pay check, so I can't really complain. I just put in another group of reserves for my library this morning when I realized they already have books available for holds that are releasing this summer!

    1. That's how I get into trouble and end up checking out way too many books at my library...I always put on too many holds on books that are coming out soon. and then they all come at once! ;D

  7. Great message! Yes it feels like it was just New Years, and now... June. I'd love to go horseback riding, it's been so long. and birdwatching too. I want to embrace each day and be more mindful of the moments as well.

  8. Your summer plans sound lovely. I'm so glad the long winter is over and I can take my work outside for part of the day.Just being outside in nature and hearing the wildlife improves my mood so much.

    1. Being outside always improves my mood, too. Especially if I can be near a river or stream. The sound of water is very soothing.

  9. Hope you have a great summer Lark and you have inspired me to get out there more so that by the time September arrives I feel I have accomplished a few things. The name on your list that jumped out at me is Nevada Barr. Many years ago I read part of her first book The Track of the Cat I believe and I was very impressed with her writing. Always meant to go back and read more.

    1. I hate when I let time pass without taking any conscious notice of life, or when I just waste my time away. I'm trying not to do that this summer.

  10. I like to embrace joy and all those things as well. Sadly, I don't get the summer off. Now get why we have daylight savings time - more reading time. I hope you get to do all those fun things.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Thank you! I'm sorry you don't get any time off in the summer.

  11. I love your reading plan. Yes, this year has been flying by.

    1. It really has. Although March was a crap month for me and seemed to last forever!

  12. Like what Jeanette said about reading.

    1. It's a really good quote, isn't it? Thanks for commenting!

  13. Live the moment, because Life is only a moment. And be happy if you can all the time.

    1. Such good advice. And so true! Thanks for commenting. :D

  14. I can't believe it's June, too. Where did the time go? Love the quote and can't wait for our next buddy read! ;)

  15. It's hard to believe it's already June. This year is zooming by! I love that quote. That's one of many good things about summer. :D

    1. It is zooming! I just don't want summer to pass me by without me taking advantage of all the lovely days before me.

  16. Bad news, Lark...time will never slow down for you. That's probably a good thing, though, because it means you aren't bored out of your mind, but it's scary when you look back just a few years. What seems like yesterday, can be two decades ago at my age. And it goes faster and faster.

    1. Hi, Sam! I know you're right about time going by faster as you get older, but I keep hoping to not let it just pass by without making some happy memories along the way. I don't like looking back at all the years that are behind me because sometimes it fills me with regret for what I didn't do, and could've done better. Which isn't good, I know. but there you go.

    2. My new motto is "Chances Are There for the Taking," and I hope and plan to take more of them while I have the "chance." Enjoy life one day at a time.

    3. It's a good motto. And I totally agree with the idea of enjoying life one day at a time. Though I'm not as good at it as I'd like to be. ;D

  17. I hope you get to accomplish all your wonderful plans for the summer. Time moves rather fast these days.

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping to be wiser with my time and spend it more mindfully over these next few months.

  18. Sounds like the perfect kind of summer, Lark! I think it's important to embrace the moment too! Try to look at the positives in every day and enjoy it! I love bird watching. Hope you get to see some neat, new ones. I loved Uncharted! I hope you do too! I also enjoyed The Instructor and The Country Guesthouse! I hope you have fun with your summer reading list. :)

    1. I'm looking forward to finally reading Uncharted, and to checking out The Instructor and The Country Guesthouse, too. they all sound like really good books. :D

  19. This year has gone by weirdly fast and now like wow the days are speeding by fast but more like I must have been abducted by aliens because I have only a very limited memory of the month of May fast! Or at least that's my current excuse for not getting all the stuff done that I wanted to get done so far this year. I haven't read any of your June books but I see so many authors I love! Happy June!

    1. It's weird, isn't it, when a month goes by and you don't really know where it went. I blame it on stress and lack of sleep when it happens to me.

  20. Your summer plans sound so nice, Lark! I hope you are able to do all those things. I do envy those of you who have the summer off, but I also know how hard you work during the school year. I am hoping work for me will lighten up with schools being out, but that seems to be more a flight of fancy in recent years. This year really does seem to be going by so fast so far. I can't believe it's already June.

    Saving Aziz does sound heartbreaking. I think I would have to be in the right mood for it.

    I hope you have a great June and week ahead, Lark! Happy reading!

    1. Saving Aziz is definitely a book worth reading! And thanks for your summer wishes. I hope you have a great summer, too. :D

  21. That's a great word to focus on for the year. Especially since 2023 is seems to be flying right past us.

    1. It does seem to be flying by. But I'm hoping to do a better job of embracing each and every day this month.

  22. I like the Jeannette Walls quote. Her book blew me off my chair. Happy summer to you!

    1. Jeannette Walls is a very good author. :D

  23. This year really does seem to be speeding by! I hope that you get to do all the things that you want to do this summer break.

  24. I love your summer plans and hope you are able to do all of that and more! If you do take a pottery class I hope you'll share what you made. I went to a glassblowing class last month and that was so fun. I made a little vase. I don't think I'll do that again but it was exciting to try something new.

    1. I'd love to try glass blowing sometime...or glass fusing! That looks a little easier, and the pieces are so beautiful.

  25. You're not alone! It feels like this year is flying. I'm also hoping it slows down for the summer. Happy reading!

    1. The days just seem to get away from me lately. But I'm working on that! Hope you have a slower, enjoyable summer, too. :D

  26. Blind Descent is one of my favorite Anna Pigeon mysteries!

    1. I just finished reading it and it was so good! I loved all the cave parts. :D
