
Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Recently finished reading:  Calamity by Constance Fay.

This space opera is an appealing combination of science fiction, adventure & romance.
It reminded me a lot of Jessie Mihalik's Hunt the Stars and Polaris Rising.  4.5 stars.

My library haul for October:

Dead of Winter by Darcy Coates
One by One and The Teacher by Frieda McFadden
Death From a Top Hat by Clayton Rawson
Middle of the Night by Riley Sager
Bride by Ali Hazelwood
The Wishing Game by Meg Shaffer
The Gathering by C.J. Tudor
Always Practice Safe Hex by Juliette Cross
Hearts of Darkness by Jana Monroe
The Devil Came Down the Mountain by Christopher Bond

And my list of glad things that brought me some joy and happiness last month:
  • All the beautiful changing fall leaves; I love the autumn colors and the cooler weather! 
  • My work schedule changed--which means I have fewer hours, but I now have Fridays off, something I'm really enjoying. Four day work weeks kind of rock.
  • I found a new favorite song:  Surviving by Kaz Hawkins. If you like songs with a bluesy sound check her out!
  • My favorite college football team, BYU, is 5-0 so far this season. Nice for them to be on a winning streak; here's hoping they can keep it up.
  • And I'm loving ABCs new show High Potential. It's so nice to have something new to watch on TV that is both smart and funny. 


  1. Off to look up Calamity, it sounds fun! And yaaay for four day weeks!

    1. I'm loving having Fridays off! And if you enjoy that combination of sci-fi, romance & adventure, then you'll like Calamity. But the romance does play a significant role in it.

  2. The last few years of my employment I worked a four-day week, ten-hour days. I loved it - both the work week schedule and the three-day weekend aspect of it. It suited me right down to the ground!

    1. I love having a three-day weekend every week! It's the best. It makes up for having a slightly smaller paycheck.

  3. I didn't know you read SFF too. And what a coincidence - I came across Calamity only a week back, thanks to a random rec on one of those Reddit forums. It's encouraging to see you liked it so much!

    1. I do love science fiction, I just don't read it as much any more as I used to. But I've been trying to read more this year, and I really enjoyed Calamity. This month I'm going to read Star-Splitter, which also looks really good.

  4. Fall leaves! Enough said. My favorite time of year.

    1. I love those fall colors, from bright golds to deep reds. :D

  5. Great list. I love Juliette Cross so I hope that's a good one.

    1. It looks really good, so I'm hoping that, too. I'll let you know!

  6. I hope you enjoy all of these!! Have a great week!

  7. Calamity sounds good! I've read a few on your library list and I look forward to your thoughts! Yay for having Fridays off! :)

    1. I'm looking forward to reading all of these...some have been on my TBR list for awhile now. :D

  8. I really enjoy my retirement with no fixed schedule. Like the books too.

    1. Having no fixed schedule sounds amazing! If I could, I'd retire now. ;D

  9. I'm glad to hear you're happy with a shorter workweek -- that sounds amazing! (And it's something I'm hoping to get approval for in about a year). Enjoy the autumn leaves!

    1. I love how colorful the trees and mountains around me get every autumn. It's one of my favorite times of year. :D

  10. Hooray for 4 day work weeks ... good for you! I'm sure you'll love your Fridays ... and yay for football and autumn days too. Enjoy.

    1. I do love having Fridays off! It's so nice to have that extra day just for myself and the things I want to do. :D

  11. I had a four-day schedule for years and loved it-- and I'm also loving High Potential. I watched a sneak peek of Kathy Bates in Matlock and can't wait to see more!

    1. The new Matlock does look fun. I really like Kathy Bates. And High Potential is even better than I was hoping it would be. She's such a great character! :D

  12. I've had my eye on Calamity for a while. It sounds really good! A four day work week sounds fabulous!

    1. I really enjoyed Calamity, but then I'm a sucker for romantic space operas. :D

  13. I could tell from the cover that I would be interested in Calamity.

    A four day work week does sound awesome.

    1. I'm definitely not hating having Fridays off. ;D

  14. I'm looking forward to your thoughts on the new Sager book!

    1. I'm excited to read that one. I just finished Tudor's The Gathering and really liked it.

  15. Calamity sounds so good! Yay for four day work weeks! I was curious about High Potential but haven't been able to catch an episode. I'm glad you're enjoying it. :)

    1. High Potential is a lot of fun. I think you would enjoy the humor, and she's such a unique character!

  16. I have High potential on my watchlist. So glad to hear it's smart and funny.

  17. Lark, loving this post of randomness :) The Sager and McFadden books are good reads - hope you enjoy them! A short work week definitely rocks :) I'll have to check out High Potential. Tracker will be starting soon - can't wait!

    1. I'm so excited for new episodes of Tracker. And I think you'll really like High Potential, too. :D

  18. We don't have much of a fall here but I always envy all of you that do! Fall leaves are so beautiful. What a great library haul! I'm curious about Bride and the Riley Sager looks good.

    1. I love autumn weather...though it's been hotter than normal in Salt Lake this fall. At least the nights are nice and cool.

  19. I am so glad you enjoyed Calamity, Lark. I have been wanting to give it a try. It is supposed to get into the high 80's the end of the week and I am very much looking forward to it. A break from the heat will be nice. I hope there will also be rain, but we'll see. I am glad you are enjoying your new work schedule! I used to work a 4/10 schedule with every Friday off and I loved it. I've considered going back to it, but I like my current hours too much, being able to get off early and get Mouse to her activities. I do miss those three day weekends though!

    I hope you have a great week!

    1. Having an extra day every weekend has been SO nice. I'm really enjoying that, even if I make a little less money. And I hope you get some rain along with your break from all the heat! Rain would be so nice; I wish we'd get some here, too. :D

  20. It sounds like you had a great month, Lark. I will have to check out High Potential, I've not heard of it, but I don't watch a lot of television.

    1. High Potential is worth checking out! It's a lot of fun.
