
Saturday, December 14, 2019

2019 Back to the Classics Challenge Wrap Up...

There were twelve categories in this year's Back to the Classics Challenge (which is hosted by Karen at Books and Chocolate). It's one of my favorite reading challenges because I love a good classic. I managed to read books in eight of the categories. I'd hoped to complete ten, but even though I own books that fit the Tragic Novel and Very Long Classic categories, I ran out of oomph before I managed to read either one. Oh, well. There's always next year. Here are the eight classics that I did read this year, and the categories they fill:

19th Century Classic:

20th Century Classic:

Classic by a Woman Author:

Classic in Translation:

Classic Comic Novel:

Classic Novella:

Classic From a Place You've Lived:

Classic Play:

Happy Reading!


  1. Such an eclectic selection! :) I may check out this challenge for next year.

    1. I never manage to read books in all 12 categories, but it's still a lot of fun. :)

  2. This is awesome, Lark! So many interesting classics! I have quite a few Georgette Heyer books on my TBR that I've been meaning to read for awhile now. Hopefully someday I'll get to them. :)

    1. Hi, Ashley! Georgette Heyer is always fun. I still have a list of her books that I need/want to read, too. :)

  3. Hi Lark, Congratulations on completing 8 books in the Challenge. Agree it is so much fun and I hope they continue the challenge into 2020. All Passion Spent is the book I'd like to try. The plot sounds interesting and I would like to read something by Vita Sackville West.

    1. There were a lot of things I liked about that book. :) It made me want to read something else by her.

  4. Congratulations on your classics challenge. I don't think I've read very many classics, but I wouldn't mind trying Spring Muslin.

    1. It's a fun Georgette Heyer...and it did make me laugh. :)

  5. Nice job, Lark. The only one of these I've read is Under the Greenwood Tree. I used to read several classics a year, but I somehow or another got out of the habit. And that's kind of like when you quit going to the gym; it's really hard to get started again. :-)

    1. Ha! I know what you mean. I don't read nearly as many classics now as I once did. (And I have to work a lot harder to read them now, too.)

  6. I haven't read any of these and you don't know how excited that makes me!

  7. A very nice list! And the only ones I've read are Cymbeline & A Princess of Mars, so it's been fun following. I've read nine, but I'm still hoping to read one more, so I'm holding off on my summary post.

  8. I must read Georgette Heyer, been meaning to for years. Thanks for the recommendation!

    1. Heyer's books are always fun. Thanks for commenting. :)

  9. 10 out of 12 is very good--I lacked the oomph myself to get to 12. That tragic category was a non-starter for me :) Looking at your books read list reminded me of all the great authors I keep on forgetting to read! Happy New Year.

    1. There are always more authors to try and more books to read, aren't there? :)
