
Saturday, December 5, 2020

A Christmas Romance...


Title & Author: 
A Christmas Bride by Jo Ann Ferguson
Genre:  Regency Romance
First line:  "All we need to do is find you a fiancee by tomorrow."

Plot summary:  All Timothy Crawford's grandfather wants for his 70th birthday is to meet his grandson's fiancee, Serenity Adams. The only problem is that she doesn't exist; Timothy made her up. He's on his way to York to tell Lord Brookindale the truth when he happens upon an overturned carriage with an injured young woman inside who looks remarkably like his imaginary Serenity. She appears to be an abigail, but she doesn't remember her name, or who she works for, or where she's from. When Timothy's cousin explains Timothy's situation to her, she agrees to pretend to be his fiancee over Christmas. In return, he promises to help her figure out who she really is.

My thoughts:  Sweet and frothy are two words that perfectly describe this novel. And I don't mean that in a bad way. Serenity seems to fit right in with Timothy's family, and he quickly finds himself falling in love with her. But he also doesn't want to take advantage of her situation. Besides their romance, there's the intrigue surrounding Serenity's accident and true identity. Though that mystery is NOT the main focus of the story, it does add a little twist at the end. Ferguson also throws in a lot of time period slang throughout the book, words like betwattle and skimble-skamble. I felt it was a little overdone at times, but it was a small thing and easily overlooked. For the most part, this is a completely predictable bit of light-hearted fluff. But it's also a fun read. And knowing a happy ending is coming isn't a bad thing when it comes to a Christmas romance.

Happy Reading!

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  1. Happy endings and fluff are good!

  2. Ooh, I love the sound of this one. I love reading a Christmas romance like this every once in awhile. :)

  3. I don't mean to sound like Scrooge but I find it hard to get into holiday books of any type (or those dang Hallmark Christmas movies). Maybe it's a guy thing.

    Bah! Humbug! :-)

    1. You're funny! If it makes you feel better, I can never get into those Hallmark movies either. They're all the same; and I have a hard time with insipid dialogue and story lines.

  4. Christmas Regency romance novels are my favorite. This sounds like a book I would love! I just added it my TBR!!

    1. I do enjoy Christmas Regency romances, too! :)

  5. "Sweet and frothy are two words that perfectly describe this novel." Sweet and frothy can be good, I agree. and happy endings are always nice, especially for a Christmas read. :)

    1. When I'm in the mood for a Christmas read, I don't always need a lot of substance. I do, however, need a happy ending. :)

  6. There's nothing wrong with a light, fluffy read! And this one sounds super fun. Glad you enjoyed it.

    1. A little bit of fluff every now and then never hurts, does it?

  7. Just reading betwattle, skimble-skamble makes me laugh. Funny sayings. I love the sound of this story! As usual, you're adding to my TBR, Lark! :)

    1. Aren't those great words? And I'm always glad to add to your TBR list. After all, you're always adding to mine. ;D

  8. I love the first line! Totally sets up the book doesn't it? And not to mention, sweet and frothy really does hit the spot right now!

  9. We all need some light and fluffy reads at times, don't we? Plus, this makes a good Christmas read. :)

    1. I do like light-hearted Christmas reads this time of year.

  10. I didn't know about this book but now I want to read it. Specially on Christmas, I'll try to get it as soon as possible. Take care :)

  11. Light and fluffy at Christmas is a must :) Especially, this year. I love the cover of the book! Thanks, Lark!

    1. Sometimes you just need something that makes you smile. :)

  12. It sounds like this book would make a great Hallmark Christmas movie. 🎄

  13. Nice story choice! Now I want to read it :D

  14. If there's ever a month for fluff I'd say it's December. Sounds like a great holiday read.

    1. It was the right amount of simple and sweet for me. :)

  15. This sounds like a great read for this time of year. I don't mind predictable when it comes to books like this. :-)

    1. I don't mind predictable with these kinds of romances either. :)

  16. Sounds like a perfect holiday read!
