I found another tee shirt that totally made me smile:
(I do sometimes feel this way, especially when it comes to my one co-worker who refuses to get vaccinated.)
I sadly don't have any trips planned for this summer, but I have been doing some birding. There's a great walk along the Jordan River I like to do in the mornings, and I often see a Belted Kingfisher there. (Not the one in this photo; I did not take this picture.) Kingfishers have this crazy call, and when they catch fish they do this divebomb into the water that's so awesome to watch. They are one of my favorite birds. I'm lucky I live where I can see them every summer.
I like to play games...any and all different kinds...and I learned a fun one last month: Succulent. You play your plants in order to collect different colored tokens so you can then earn cards that give you points. It's easy to learn, can be played with partners, and is as entertaining as it's colorful. Next month's game: Tokyo Highway.
On a more bookish note, I went to the library yesterday and once again checked out way too many books. But I like having options when it comes to what I read next. And my summer reading list is super long, so checking out lots of books at one time makes me feel like I'm making progress on it. Now I just need to try and read them all before they're due. Wish me luck.
And Happy Reading!