
Monday, November 27, 2017

The Silent Girls by Eric Rickstad

  • Mandy Wilks, sixteen and missing
  • Frank Rath, current PI and former police detective with a teen-age daughter of his own.
  • Sonja Test, Canaan's "forensics team-of-one", mother & marathoner
  • Harland Grout, detective on the Canaan police force
  • Ned Preacher, the man who murdered Rath's sister and who's up for parole...and out for revenge
Where:  Rural Vermont

What:  Girls are going missing without a trace; beautiful Mandy Wilks is just the latest victim. And no one knows why...or who is taking them. But Rath is determined to find a connection and figure out the truth, while keeping his own daughter, Rachel, safe.
"Wherever there were girls, some would go missing, plucked like errant threads from the fabric of  everyday life and cast into a lurid nightmare of someone else's making. Movies created suspense out of a 'forty-eight-hour window' cops had to find a girl alive, as if kidnapped girls had a 'kill-by" date. The colder reality remained:  A girl gone missing against her will, nine times out of ten, was dead within three hours."
The Verdict:  I didn't love this book, but I did like it enough to want to read the sequel, and not just because of the cliffhanger ending in this one. Rath is a flawed, but dogged detective; I liked him more as the novel went on, but I think Sonja was my favorite character. I like the way she and Rath work together. Too bad she wasn't in this book more. The mystery surrounding Mandy's and the other girls' disappearances was good:  interesting and intense, but not necessarily mind-blowing. I'm hoping the next one, The Name of Dead Girls, is better. That's why I'm off to put it on hold.

Happy Reading!


  1. Proof that a good character can save a book. I’m glad you ended up liking it.

    1. It's funny because I didn't like Rath at the beginning, but he grows on you, and by the end of the novel I was on his side.

  2. And sometimes, even if you don't love the first one, the second book measures up! Liking a book enough to read the next one is a recommendation in itself. Especially if you like the characters!

    1. I do really want to know what happens next with Rath and his daughter; and you never know, the second one could be better than the first. :)

  3. I haven't read this author, will keep an eye out for them but don't think I will be actively seeking them out xxx


    1. I can understand that; this mystery was a good read, but definitely NOT one of my favorites. Thanks for commenting! :)

  4. Interesting cast of characters. It's good to hear you like the book enough to follow its sequel. I'm with Jenclair that sometimes the second book does measure up. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on The Name of Dead Girls. :)

    1. Fingers crossed that it's not a disappointment! :)

  5. I always love hearing about new mystery series and glad to hear that this one interested you enough to pick up the sequel!

    1. Yeah, I definitely want to read the next book, but this isn't a series I'll be running out to buy.

  6. I've never heard of this author, but this one sounds worth a go. I'm adding it to the ole TBR mountain chain because another book is JUST what it needs :) Ha ha!

  7. I think that's the key to a good crime/mystery series, you have to bond with the lead detectives. It sounds like Rath and Sonja are interesting people who have chemistry and hopefully this will be the start of a good series.

    1. It took me awhile to warm up to Rath, but by the end I liked him. So, I'm hoping that continues in the next book. (And that Sonja shows up in that book more!)

  8. I am glad you ended up liking this one despite your initial reservations. Hopefully the next book will be even better!
