
Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Sinister Graves by Marcie R. Rendon

The plot:  Minnesota, 1970s. When the body of a young Ojibwe woman is found in the flood waters of the Red River Valley, Sheriff Wheaton calls in his young protege, Renee "Cash" Blackbear to help identify her. Cash's investigation leads her to the White Earth Reservation, the place where she was born, and where she should have grown up except that she was put into foster care when she was young instead. When another young Ojibwe woman is found dead, the only connection Cash can find between them is Pastor Steene and his wife, Lillian, and their unconventional church. And when she visits the church, she sees a dark ghostly shadow outside, something the Ojibwe call a Jiibay. And she knows that there's something not quite right about the place. 

My thoughts:  What makes you want to keep reading a particular series? I look for interesting settings and time periods, intriguing plots, but most of all, I look for real, personable, flawed, layered and likable characters that I can root for. Cash Blackbear is one of those characters. At just 19, she's tough and smart. She's in college but she mostly chooses classes where attendance isn't mandatory because she knows she can not show up and still ace the papers and tests. She earns her money driving farm trucks and playing pool. She's very guarded and struggles to connect with people. And she has a sixth sense when it comes to helping Sheriff Wheaton--an ability to see things that others don't. 

In this book, she's starting to open up with other people, even though it leaves her feeling vulnerable and scared. I liked that she's growing as a person. And I like her toughness and independence, though she does have one reckless TSTL moment in her investigation into Pastor Steene's church that made me shake my head. She does redeem herself a little by being resourceful enough to extricate herself though. I liked her for that, too. I think this third Cash Blackbear mystery just might be my favorite. And as a bonus, I'm now all caught up with this series. 

Happy Reading!


  1. You find some good books. Regine

    1. I find some not-so-good books, too...I just don't post about those. ;D

  2. I really need to think about getting the first book in this series as I tend to think that what you like, I will too. :-)

    1. It's the setting and Cash that I really like about these books. She's such an interesting character!

  3. Hi Lark, this series does sound good and the first book is included with my Audible membership so I have downloaded it. Another book in a similar vein is White Horse by Erika Wurth. It's gotten very good reviews although I haven't read it myself.

    1. I'll have to check out White Horse. After all, you can never be reading too many series at once, can you? ;D

  4. I haven't read this series as yet, but I'm very intrigued. One thing I love about series books is that we get to know the characters over time. Thanks for telling us about this one and with only 3 out so far, I think I could 'catch up' quickly. :-)

    1. That's my favorite thing about any series...getting to know the characters better with each book, and seeing them grow and develop and how their lives change. And you could catch up with this series quicky because the books aren't super long and they read fast.

  5. Ha. Reminds me of the True Detective show I'm watching right now. Tough characters in a tough place & situation.

    1. And Cash is definitely a tough character...or she acts like she is anyway. But her vulnerable side is starting to show in this one.

  6. I like characters I can root for in books like this too. I haven't tried this series yet. Characters and their TSTL moments. They always make me shake my head too. I will have to look for the first book.

    1. And smart women should know better than to put themselves in those dangerous kinds of does make you shake your head when a character does something that stupid. :D

  7. I like the sound of her layered character and the backdrop of the series. I'll have to look these up.

    Sophia Rose

    1. The setting and how interesting Cash is as a character are the two reasons I've stuck with this series.

  8. Cash seems like a spunky character! I think I'd enjoy this series too! I'll look into it! :)

  9. Lark, I know what you mean about a series needing to have certain things in order for you to stick with it. I'm the same. Especially, the characters - they have to have depth and be fleshed out enough so that I want to know them even more. Love this post!

    1. Thank you. This isn't the kind of book where I could really sum up the mystery, but it's the characters that keep me reading, so it was easy talking about them. :D

  10. Cash sounds like a great character. I really need to check out this series. :)

    1. Cash is one of a kind. And Rendon really nails that 70s era, too.

  11. I enjoy seeing characters grow and change over the course of a series like Cash apparently does here (even with the TSTL episode LOL).

    1. That moment did have me rolling my eyes! At least she managed to get herself out of it. ;D

  12. This sounds intriguing with interesting characters.

    1. I do really like the characters in this series.

  13. Sounds really good. Isn't it amazing how many Native Americans (does that include Native Canadians? I assume it does.) are either writing or being featured in novels these days?

    1. I love that there are more Native American authors writing, and more realistic Native American characters in books these days. I love reading about their culture and experiences.

  14. Nice! I like books with a supernatural hint like that.

    Have you watched dArk Winds?

    1. I love Dark Winds! I just finished watching season 2 last month, and it was so good. :D

  15. Great review! Glad you loved it.

    1. Hi, Cindy! Thanks for always commenting on my posts. :D

  16. This sounds really good! It is always the characters that keep me coming back to a series.

    1. For me, too. Without a strong character I really don't care about the murder investigation or whatever else the mystery might be.

  17. This sounds like another winner. I'm adding it to my "want to read" list.

    1. Hope you get a chance to give this series a try. Rendon does such a good job of capturing the feel of the 1970s and what it was like then for a young Native American woman.

  18. Cash Blackbear sounds like a fascinating character. This series seem intriguing, too. Will have to check it out. :)

    1. She's the reason I've kept reading this series.

  19. New author and series for me. Thanks for the review

    1. It's been a fun series...not perfect, but I still like it. :D

  20. Cash sounds like my kind of heroine. I will have to look into this series.

    1. She's smart and stubborn and tought and I like her.

  21. I'm so glad that you've enjoyed this series, Lark. It's a wonderful-- and sobering-- look at another way of life.

    1. It really is. The things Cash faces just because of who she is really makes you stop and think.

  22. I purchased the first book in this series as a Kindle so I can read it sometime soon. I am sure I did that when I saw your review for the book.

    1. There's a lot to like about this series. Cash is such an interesting character. And reading about that time period was fun, too.
