Sunday, April 21, 2024

Some very sad news...

I learned yesterday that my sweet blogging friend and reading buddy, Melody Lee, passed away suddenly last month from a brain aneurysm. She was such a kindhearted, funny, and caring person. We started commenting on each other's blogs back in 2016, then did our first buddy read a year later. Over the last seven years we read 34 books together. And we had our next buddy read scheduled for next month. She was a dear friend, and I will miss her so much. Please keep her family in your hearts and prayers. 


  1. I am so sorry Lark. You and Melody made a great team with your buddy reads and I will be visiting Melody's blog so I can read the insightful reviews she wrote. I will say a prayer for you and Melody's family and the good memories in time will be a comfort.

    1. It was a shock to me, but my heart goes out to her family. Her death must be so devastating for them.

  2. Sending blessings to bothfamilies

  3. Oh, Lark, I am so sorry. What tragic news for you to lose so close a reading friend. My thoughts and prayers are yours and for her family. xxx

    1. You well know how devastating such a sudden and unexpected death like that can be. I just hope her family is doing okay.

  4. This is very sad news. I didn't know Melody personally, but I had followed her blog for many years and will miss that. What a sudden loss.

    1. I'm going to miss her words and her friendship so much.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear this. It's so hard to lose a dear friend, and the suddenness is so painful. Wishing you peace and comfort.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. It's her family that my heart breaks for.

  6. Lark, I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm keeping you and her family in my thoughts and prayers. xx

    1. I can't even imagine the heartbreak her family must be going through right now.

  7. Oh no! I'm so sorry for you loss, Lark! I'll be praying for you and her family.

  8. Oh, no! Lark, I have followed Melody's blog and yours for years and years. Love both of you. Always enjoyed your very creative 'buddy reads' and your questions and comments to each other. I am so, so sad and will pray for both Melody's family and you too. We will all miss her. I know that her reading tastes and mine had some overlaps and I was always happy to talk books with her. Sigh. Thank you so much for telling us and I will miss her very much. Big hugs to you and virtual hugs to her family.

    1. I loved talking books with her, too. She and I read a lot alike, but she also expanded my reading world by introducing me to books I never otherwise would have tried. Our buddy reads were so much fun. I'm really going to miss them and her!

  9. I'm so sorry, Lark. I didn't know Melody but it's always sad to lose a friend. I'm thinking of you and her family.

    1. My heart breaks for her husband and two daughters. I just feel so bad for them.

  10. Oh my goodness, such sad news indeed! Losing friends and family is such a difficult thing!! Reading 34 books together is amazing. Keeping Melody's family and friends in my thoughts and prayers at this time.

    1. I hadn't realized we'd read so many together until I started counting them up. It's hard to believe she's gone.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss <3

  12. Noooooooo!!!! I'm so so sorry to hear this

    All my prayers to her family

  13. That is shocking and sad news, Lark! I know you've done many buddy reads with her. I'm so sorry and I'm so sad for her family! :(

    1. It breaks my heart thinking about her family!

  14. I'm really sorry to hear this, Lark. It's not easy to lose a close friend, especially one you seem to have had so much in common with. It amazes me how a love of reading can create such deep bonds between people who would have probably never have otherwise grown to be so close.

    1. We met because of books. And reading did really bring us closer together. I'll really miss her.

  15. So sad to read about you losing a friend. I also just lost my very best friend of 34 years, so I know how you are feeling.
    My heartfelt condolences go to you and her family.

    1. Best friends are irreplaceable...especially ones that have known us for so long. I'm so sorry that you lost yours!

  16. Lark, I am so sorry to hear this! I had a blogger friend that suddenly went silent last year and I never did hear what happened with her, although I think she might have passed. I'm praying for you and her family.

    1. Are you talking about Wendy at Bashful Bookworm? I agree that I think she probably passed, but wish I knew for sure.

    2. I loved Wendy's blog. When she stopped posting so suddenly I wondered if something happened either to her or in her family. It's hard not knowing. That's why I wanted to post about Melody and let everyone know about her death.

  17. Such sad news, Lark. I'm so sorry to hear this. I will pray for you and her family. It is always so sad to lose someone you know and care about.

    1. The suddenness of her death made it even harder!

  18. Condolences to you and everyone whose life has been touched by Melody Lee. I've lost a few blogging friends myself over the years, and it makes me appreciate the "regulars" in my life/blog even more.

    1. Our community of book bloggers seems to be shrinking a little bit everyday. So many just aren't blogging any more. And I miss them all.

  19. Oh no. I'm so sorry & sad to hear this. My sympathies to you and her family. This is very sad news.

  20. Oh, no! Melody and I corresponded through snail mail for several years, as well as sharing books through blog posts. I've only recently gotten back to blogging and had no idea.
    I remember some of your buddy book posts. So very sorry to hear.

    1. I knew you had exchanged cards and letters for many years. It's so sad to think of her as not being there any more. I will miss her a lot.

  21. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear this. I will keep Melody and her family and friends in my thoughts.

    1. It just broke my heart when her husband told me the news.

  22. So sorry to hear this! Sending you hugs. <3

  23. That is so sad to hear and I know it is very hard for her family. I had a blogging friend that passed away and I still miss him, even though we never met. He was so kind and generous and shared some of his books with me.

    1. Sharing books together can lead to deep friendships. I'm sorry you lost your blogging friend.

  24. How awful! I read her blog sometimes. Prayers and virtual hugs to her family and friends (including you).

    1. It was just such a shock. And made me so sad. I still miss her.

  25. Lark, I am quite late in reading this, but I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of your friend. Something so sudden and unexpected is always so shocking.

    1. The suddenness of it made it even more devastating. I'm sure her family is just reeling.

  26. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm just stunned. Melody was just so sweet and always so kind in her comments. I loved visiting her blog and I think it was through her that I met you via your buddy reads. Thank you for letting us know and sending you a big hug. Will be praying for her family.

    1. It stunned me to hear of her death, too! I'm still sad.

  27. I am so out of the loop these days when it comes to my blogger friends. I had no idea. I am so heartbroken by this news. We started our blogs the same year, in 2006, and had been friends ever since. We exchanged Christmas cards and the occasional letter. I am so sorry for your loss, Lark. She was such a kind and wonderful person.

    1. It's everyone's loss! We will all miss her a lot.

  28. I've been out of the blogging loop for a few months, and I'm just now seeing this. I'm so sad about Melody's passing. We connected through our blogs for many years. She was the sweetest person and will be greatly missed. Thinking of her family. ♥

    1. It was such a shock to learn of her death. I miss her a lot.
