Monday, December 7, 2015

Back to the Classics Challenge 2015...

Well, I didn't manage to complete all 12 categories in this awesome reading challenge, but I did complete 7, which isn't too bad. And all the classics I did read actually came from my own TBR shelf, which, for me, made it even better. So, here are the seven books I finished, and the categories they filled:

A 19th Century Classic: Cranford by Elizabeth Gaskell

A Classic by a Woman Author: The Castle of Wolfenbach by Eliza Parsons

A Very Long Classic Novel: The Princess Casamassima by Henry James

A Classic Novella: Bunner Sisters and Madame de Treymes by Edith Wharton

A Classic With a Person's Name in the Title: Aurora Floyd by Mary Elizabeth Braddon

A Humorous or Satirical Classic: Miss Marjoribanks by Margaret Oliphant

A Classic Children's Book: The Independence of Nan by Nina Rhoades

I had a lot of fun reading these classic novels; I met some interesting characters and discovered some authors that I definitely want to read again. Best of all, I no longer have to feel guilty whenever I see these seven books sitting on my shelves. So, here's a big thanks to Karen at Books and Chocolate for organizing and hosting this challenge. It was a lot of fun.

Happy Reading!


  1. Seven books from your TBR shelf, that's great! I enjoyed this challenge as well but I had to look beyond my own shelves to fill in all the categories. You also came up with some lesser-known and interesting choices. Congrats!

    1. Thanks! I wish I could have finished all 12 categories, but I ran out of steam towards the end of the year. But maybe next year. :)

  2. Congrats on having read 7 great books! Actually I've only read two on your list, Cranford (which I love) and Miss Marjoribanks (which I also really enjoyed).

    Happy reading in 2016.

  3. Replies
    1. It depends...I've signed up for two other reading challenges, and while I love reading the classics, three challenges might be too many for me. :)
