Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Loyally, Luke by Pepper Basham


Luke Edgemont doesn't believe in meet-cutes, romance tropes or Hallmark movie moments. So when he finds himself on the island nation of Skymar in the middle of all three...with a princess, no less! ...he's not sure what to do. Because he's just in Skymar temporarily to help renovate an orphanage and then he's going home to America. And there's no way he could ever be with a princess; he's a flannel-wearing carpenter who's a bit of a grumpy introvert, not the suave Prince Charming type. But the more time he spends with Ellie the more danger he's in of falling hopelessly in love with her. And that's just asking for a broken heart.

My thoughts:  I loved Basham's previous novel, Authentically, Izzy, about Luke's cousin, but I love this book even more. Luke's such a great character. I loved the banter between him and Ellie, and his sweet interactions with the orphans. His texts with his sisters are pretty funny, too. And all their movie references from Rambo to The Princess Bride totally made me laugh. This is a delightfully charming romance with humor, heart, a little faith, some fishing, a Cinderella-like ball, and a very cute happy ending. My kind of romance. 

Happy Reading!

Monday, July 1, 2024


Recent book that I read and enjoyed but didn't review:  The Air Raid Book Club by Annie Lyons.

Latest library haul (these are the books I hope to read this month):

Winter Lost by Patricia Briggs
Whalefall by Daniel Kraus
Fantasticland by Mike Bockoven
What Lies in the Woods by Kate Alice Marshall
Always Remember by Mary Balogh
Mrs. Nash's Ashes by Sarah Adler
The Unquiet Bones by Loreth Anne White
Antimatter Blues by Edward Ashton
Love in Disguise by Dana LeCheminant
The Siamese Twin Mystery by Ellery Queen
And After by Sarah Lyons Fleming

Some of my glad moments from June ... little things in life that brought me joy:
  • Made six jars of strawberry jam using strawberries from my own garden! (Which taste SO much better than those big flavorless strawberries you find at the grocery store.)
  • Saw a Kestrel on my walk one day AND a Double-crested Cormorant sitting near the river sunning itself. (It was a good birding moment.)
  • Got my driver's license renewed and it didn't take all day to do it. 
  • Learned how to play a fun new game:  Kingdom Builder.  
  • Some members of the Tabernacle Choir on Temple Square came and sang at my church a few Sundays ago and their voices were so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes.