Thursday, August 10, 2023

His Only Wife by Peace Adzo Medie

 "Elikem married me in absentia; he did not come to our wedding." 

From the blurb:  "Afi Tekple is a young seamstress in Ghana. She is smart; she is pretty; and she has been convinced by her mother to marry a man she does not know. Afi knows who he is, of course--Elikem is a wealthy businessman whose mother has chosen Afi in the hopes that she will distract him from his relationship with a woman his family claims is inappropriate. But Afi is not prepared for the shift her life takes when she is moved from her small hometown of Ho to live in Accra, Ghana's gleaming capital, a place of wealth and sophistication where she has days of nothing to do but cook meals for a man who may or may not show up to eat them. She has agreed to this marriage in order to give her mother the financial security she desperately needs, and so she must see it through. Or maybe not?"

My thoughts:  This is such a well-written and compelling book. I had a lot of sympathy for Afi and her situation. She's a bit naive when she first arrives in Accra, and she tries so hard to be a dutiful wife. But it's hard when Eli is never around; then when he does come around and Afi starts to fall in love with him, there's still the problem of the other woman. But Afi has spunk and an inner strength that I applauded. I loved how she defied everyone to find her own success and happiness. One of the other things I loved about this novel was being immersed in the culture and traditions of Ghana and getting to see the roles that women are still expected to fill there. It was very eye-opening, and sometimes sad. But Afi's story is full of heart and hope. 

Happy Reading!

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  1. I haven't read many books set in Ghana, so this sounds interesting to me. I'm glad you liked it!

    1. I like how the author immerses you in the culture and customs of her country. She gives you a real taste of what life in Ghana is like for these women.

  2. I read this in 2021 and awarded it 5 of 5 stars, which I almost never do, so I certainly agree with your assessment of the book!

    1. I can see why you gave this one 5 stars! It's so good. Your review is probably what made me put it on my TBR list in the first place. So, thank you!

  3. Sounds so good. Thank you. Regine

  4. I don't think I've ever read a book set in Ghana, so that interests me. Plus, Afi sounds like a great character.

    1. The setting is so interesting, and Afi is a very sympathetic and likable character.

  5. The author's name jumped out at me, and I had to learn more because I wasn't even certain if the writer is male or female, and definitely had no idea where the book would be set. The plot is intriguing because I really like novels that reveal cultures around the world I'm unfamiliar with...going on the TBR list.

    1. I had to look the author up, too, because I wasn't sure what to expect from her name either. And it was so interesting to read about the traditions and customs surrounding marriage, and men and women in Ghana.

  6. I've never read a book set in Ghana either- sounds fascinating and I always love learning about other cultures.

    1. I do, too. Traveling by book is one of my favorite things, especially when I don't have enough money to take a real trip.

  7. I hope Afi ended up prevailing and gaining some happiness. How awful to be in a situation where your mom thinks it's a good idea to basically sell you off for money!

    1. She is certainly put in a very hard position, but she's got a lot of spunk and determination and ends up making a good life for herself.

  8. Afi sounds like a fascinating character; and the setting in Ghana makes me want to know more about the country and their culture.

    1. It was fascinating learning more about Ghana!

  9. This does sound good and I hadn't heard of it. Despite the fact that it was a choice for Reese's Book Club! ;-)

    1. Was it? I did not know that. Maybe that was a good thing. ;D

  10. This sounds really interesting. Afi sounds like a great character.

  11. What a situation Afi is in. She sounds like a character worth cheering for.

    1. I was definitely rooting for her to find happiness and independence.

  12. It sounds like Eli though not being around alot and involved with the other woman is still a good man or Afi would not have fallen in love with him. I hope so

    1. Eli's not a bad man, he's just caught in the middle of three women: his controlling mother, the other woman, and Afi. None of this would have happened if he'd been stronger from the very start and married the woman he really loved instead of trying to please his mother by marrying Afi. But then there wouldn't have been a book.

  13. This sounds really interesting and it focuses on an area I know very little about. Adding to my TBR.

    1. The setting is so interesting! It's definitely one of the reasons I picked this one up.

  14. Fabulous review, Lark! It does sound captivating!

    1. And very eye-opening, too, about what it's like for women like Afi in Ghana.

  15. What a compelling plot. Glad you loved it!

  16. This sounds really good, Lark. Afi sounds like a very likeable and relatable character. I am adding it to my wish list.

    1. I hope you get a chance to read it! It's such a good book.

  17. I read this one as an arc, and I also really enjoyed it. Such a beautifully written book! Great review!

    1. It was beautifully written. And what a story!
