Friday, October 4, 2024

The Gathering by C.J. Tudor

 "Black clouds bristled on the horizon. The white snow undulated like a vast frozen sea. A storm was coming, something foul on the air. .... They were back. It was about to begin again."

Plot summary:  When a teen's throat is ripped out in Deadhart, Alaska, Detective Barbara Atkins, a homicide detective and doctor of forensic vampyr anthropology, is called in to investigate his murder. But she's walking into a powder keg. And no one is happy to see her. Because Deadhart is a town full of secrets. The citizens want to cull the nearby vampyr Colony. The vampyrs are fueling for a fight and very ready to defend themselves. The current murder resembles one from 25 years ago. The town's fanatical preacher has her own agenda. The nights are getting colder...and longer. And if the boy's murderer wasn't a vampyr, Barbara just might have a psychopath on her hands.

My thoughts:  The Gathering is a compelling mix of police investigation and psychological thriller with a touch of supernatural horror. And it reads fast. I really like the way Tudor writes, and this book is no exception. It's atmospheric and suspenseful. And Tudor has created an interesting world where vampyrs are a segregated but protected species, although one very much feared and disliked by humans. I did feel like there were A LOT of characters (and even more secrets!) to keep track of, some going far back into Deadhart's past, which made it feel a little convoluted at times. But everything gets wrapped up in a satisfying way at the end, which I appreciated. Though once again I could have done without the epilogue. All in all, I'd give this one 4 stars. 

Happy Reading!

Other books by C.J. Tudor that I've enjoyed:


  1. I have enjoyed other books by C.J. Tudor and look forward to this one. Soon, hopefully!!

    1. It's the perfect time of year for a book like this. Hope you get a chance to read it. :D

  2. I agree that this one got a bit overstuffed, but I still appreciated how Tudor really went for it. She is unafraid to try something different, even if it doesn't always fully pay off. I'll be eager to see what she comes up with next!

    1. I like that her plots aren't conventional or predictable. And I thought that this whole world she created with the vampyrs and their colonies was really interesting. And with that epilogue, do you think she'll write a sequel?

  3. I keep seeing this author's books pop up, but I've never tried any. I appreciate your review! I may check it out if it's available next time I'm at the library.

    1. I've enjoyed several of her books. I think The Burning Girls is my favorite.

  4. Replies
    1. It's a great October read, that's for sure. :D

  5. I've read one by her and I wasn't thrilled by the ending, but it was overall pretty thrilling. I was just looking at this one. I might request it at my library and hopefully exercise some self-control and not read the epilogue!

    P.S. I wasn't thrilled with the ending (or Anna) of The Plot either, but The Sequel was fantastic! I really liked and rooted for Anna! Would love to see what you thought if you decide to pick it up. :)

    1. Which book of hers did you read?

    2. I haven't read that one. Or The Hiding Place. But they're on my TBR list...somewhere.

  6. This sounds like it could be a good series because you have an interesting setting in Alaska where a community of vampires live nearby a town of humans and both sides are suspicious of the other. I see a chance for alot of different t plots to develop.

    1. It would make for a good series. And a good TV show, too.

  7. Thank you.

  8. I've read and liked some of Tudor's books in the past but this one doesn't sound like it is for me. Nevertheless, I'm glad that you enjoyed it.

  9. I thought I'd read something by her but I've checked Fantastic Fiction and nothing looks familiar. I love the sound of this!

    1. It's really good...and unexpected, which is fun, too.

  10. Um, yeah, way too much "horror" for me just from the first line of the description. I like the cover though.

    1. This time of year I do like to check out spookier and scarier stories. :D

  11. Vampires - a good book leading up to Halloween!

    1. Definitely the perfect time of year to read a book with vampires in it. :D

  12. This sounds exciting. I can't believe I haven't read this author as yet.

    1. I've enjoyed several of her books. The Burning Girls is probably my favorite, but this one is very good, too. :D

  13. Lark, I remember liking this one, because it was a quick read. Plus, I typically enjoy Tudor's books. I'm glad you enjoyed this one :) It's perfect for Halloween month! Wishing you a lovely week!

    1. I'm behind on a couple of Tudor's books, but that's not too surprising. I feel like I'm running behind in most areas of my life. ;D

  14. Great review, Lark! I'm adding it to my wishlist. It sounds like something I'd like. :)

    1. Hope you get a chance to check it out. I'd love to know what you think of it! :D

  15. Fast paced sounds good right about now! I am glad you enjoyed The Gathering, Lark. It sounds intense!

    1. It's got great atmosphere. And the ending was intense. :D

  16. That's quite an opening sentence of the blurb! I've been wanting to read this author for ages and this sounds like a good one!

    1. I liked it. I also really liked her book The Burning Girls. :D

  17. I liked The Burning Girls, too, but I haven't picked up another of her books yet.

    1. The Burning Girls is my favorite of hers. :D

  18. Is there a reason for spelling them vampyres instead? I have not read CJ Tudor yet but she seems to be everywhere.

    1. I think it was just the author's way of distinguishing her idea of them, and also a way of making them a distinct group of people rather than just legend or myth or vampires from other books. But I really don't know.

  19. I'm glad you enjoyed this one, Lark. I am not a big horror fan, so will pass.

    1. It's more atmospheric mystery than horror. Nothing really horrific happens, and it's not graphic or gory. But I get not loving darker reads. :D
