Saturday, August 9, 2014

Are you a bibliophile, too?

bibliophile - n. a lover of books

Today is Booklover's Day, and in honor of this auspicious occasion, I came up with a few indicators that you might be a bibliophile like me. If you agree with at least half of the following list, then congratulations! You're a bibliophile, too. Today is your day. So grab a book and enjoy.

You're a bibliophile if.....
  • Your To-Read list is longer than your To-Do list.
  • Your only card that's "maxed out" is your library card.
  • Your bookshelves 'runneth over'...onto your floor, under your bed, stacked next to your chair...
  • At lunchtime, you care more about the book you're reading than the food you're eating.
  • You talk about your favorite books like they're close, personal friends.
  • You'd rather buy books than shoes.
  • Your hardest packing decision when going on a trip is not only which books to bring, but how many you can fit in your suitcase.
  • Your decorating style of choice is Bookshelf Chic.
  • You don't have one favorite book (or author), you have many.
  • Sometimes you wish everyone around you would just shut up and let you read in peace.
To all bibliophiles everywhere....
Happy Booklover's Day!


  1. A great list! And all of them apply to me! I am just heading off to the library, for the two books I have on hold there, just to add a few more to the reading stacks. Now it will feel like a celebration :)

  2. As a confirmed book addict, it's nice to know that somebody else has the same problem!

    1. Bibliophiles unite! :) Thanks for stopping by! (And enjoy your day!)

  3. I didn't know it was Booklover's Day! (Just like I didn't realize JULY 29 was National Lipstick Day, and I always always always wear red). Anyway, I like these attributes and am guilty of many. Such as books like best friends.

    1. Sorry you missed National Lipstick Day. :) But if you're a bibliophile, then you celebrate books everyday. Happy reading!

  4. All of them apply to me except the one about the library - no good libraries nearby here in India, and when I'm in college in the US, there's no limit to the number of books I can borrow! I'm starting to despair a little at the size of my TBR list...

    1. Hey Mahathi! I know what you mean about having too many books on your TBR list. Mine grows longer by the day. But at least I'll never run out of things to read. :)

  5. This is a great list, although I suspect that Booklover's Day is every day for us! :)

  6. I have to admit guilty as charged in this case. :-)
