Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday...

Top Ten Tuesday is a fun weekly meme hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.

This week's theme is supposed to be THINGS CHARACTERS HAVE SAID.  But I haven't really been keeping track of that, and while I do collect quotes from the books I read, none of them seemed to fit this prompt. So, I'm going rogue.

Last year, my blogging friend and reading buddy, Melody Lee, passed away. And I have really missed her this year. I've missed chatting with her about books, and reading her posts, and most of all, I have missed our buddy reads. Over the years we must have read over 30 books together. So for this week's TTT, in honor of my friend, I decided to post MY FIRST TEN BUDDY READS WITH MELODY.

Happy Reading!


  1. Losses like this are horrible so I'm sending you a huge hug, Lark.

  2. I’m so sorry for your loss.

  3. That is a lovely way to remember your friend. My sincere condolences.

  4. My condolences. It’s so hard to say goodbye to dear friends like that.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  5. Lark, this is so lovely. Highlighting those books that you and Melody did the buddy-reads and talked about. We all enjoyed that I think. Sigh. I miss her too - a lot. Can't bring myself to take her blog off my list. Hugs to you and I hope that Melody's family is doing as well as they can. Prayers for them and you and all of us who knew sweet Melody.

  6. I was so sorry to hear about Melody last year! What a nice remembrance post, Lark! :) I would like to read The Hunting Party at some point.

  7. Very sorry to hear about your friend. A very nice tribute to her.

  8. What a great tribute to Melody, & so sorry for your loss. It's sad. I remember My Sister the Serial Killer ... that was wild with a dose of humor.

  9. Lark, I'm so sorry for your loss. What a great way to honor your friendship!

  10. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Thank you for sharing her with us today.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  11. What a wonderful tribute to your friend Melody! I am sure she would be honored. Hugs, friend.

  12. What a nice tribute to your blogging friend. Shared books are a wonderful way to remember her.

  13. What a beautiful tribute! I’m so sorry about Melody. (((HUGS))) and love to you.

  14. This is so sweet.

  15. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's passing. This is a lovely tribute!

  16. What a sweet tribute to Melody! Such a great way to honor y'all's friendship. Hugs!

  17. I'm so sorry for your loss but what a wonderful tribute. I'm sure you have wonderful memories of her associated with these books.

  18. Wonderful tribute post!! I enjoyed reading Chalk Man!

  19. You two read some great books together!

  20. What a wonderful way to pay tribute to your dear friend who passed away. I'm sure you miss her and your buddy reads--I miss my sister, who was also my reading buddy.

  21. What a lovely way to honor your friend <3 I've read many of these and loved most of them,

  22. Oh my goodness, I did not know this about Melody Lee. I'm sorry for your loss. She was such a nice person, I knew her in blog land for years and FB too. :(

    1. It was a shock when I found out last year; it was a brain aneurysm and happened very suddenly. I can only imagine how hard it was on her family to lose her like that.

  23. This a lovely way to remember your friend Melody. Such nice reads you shared over the years.
