Saturday, July 13, 2024

Fantasticland by Mike Bockoven

 Storm strands amusement
park employees who form tribes
and go Lord of the Flies.

The framework of this novel is a journalist investigating the events that occurred at the Fantasticland amusement park in the aftermath of Hurricane Sadie when over 100 college-age employees were killed at the hands of others. It's told through a series of first-person interviews with the various survivors, from the older Mole Men hiding in the tunnels, to the Shop Girls and their deadly archers, and even the leader of the violent tribe of Pirates. Each eye-witness account offers a different perspective on what happened, and why things went so wrong so fast. The stories are haunting and horrifying. I thought it was an interesting way to tell a story, and one I ended up liking a lot. And I always love that amusement park setting. If you're in the mood for some suspenseful psychological horror that unfolds like a documentary, give this book a try. I gave it 4 stars. 

Happy Reading! 

Similar amusement park read:  


  1. Ooh, this sounds really good! I'll definitely be giving this one a try.

    1. I hope you get a chance to check it out! :D

  2. I like the sound of this one, Lark! And I also am a fan of amusement park settings. Why are those usually horror? Ha! Anyway, I'm off to see about if my libraries own it and if they do how long it would be to get it. Thanks for telling about it!

    1. Why are books set in amusement parks usually horror?! That's a really good question. I guess reading about someone's happiest day at a park wouldn't be interesting, but their worst? We're all in for that. ;D

  3. The book sounds interesting. It's a novel but told as you say in a documentary style. Amusement parks I agree with Kay are often the scene of horror. Not sure why. The book deals with hurricanes too which unfortunately we are all too familiar with here in Florida.

    1. You are very familiar with hurricanes in Florida! That's where this book is set, but they weren't expecting this hurricane to reach them so far inland, so that added to the difficulty of getting rescuers to those who stayed at the park.

  4. This does sound like a very interesting read. The hurricane angle does give it an added feel of reality.

    1. And them getting stranded by this unexpectedly strong hurricane is what really triggers the rest of the events.

  5. I liked this novel for all the reasons you stated!!

    1. It's so good! And so fun to read a book told in such a different kind of way. :D

  6. It does sound like an interesting story, but if it's psychological horror, I won't be reading it!

    1. You are a step removed from the horror with the way the book is told, but it is a darker kind of read.

  7. The cover is so unique! Glad you enjoyed it!

    1. I know it's not your kind of book at all, but I did find it an entertaining summer read.

    2. Lark, I can still appreciate the cover and aspects of the story ;)

    3. It is a cool cover. :D And any story set in an amusement park is going to intriuge me.

  8. It does sound interesting but also horrifying, so I think I will pass on this one. One of Seanan McGuire's InCryptid novels is set in an amusement park, Tricks for Free. It's part of a long series though, so it may not make much sense as a stand-alone.

    1. That's the tricky thing about long-running series. Sometimes I see I book I really want to read, but I don't feel like jumping in in the middle, and starting at the beginning? Who has the reading time for that? ;D But I do love that amusement park setting!

  9. Ooh, this sounds scary, but I love an amusement park setting, so I'm definitely intrigued! :)

    1. It was very compelling. Definitely kept me reading too late at night. ;D

  10. This one sounds scary and intense. I love that it's told in a rather unconventional way and has the documentary feel to it.

    1. That's what I really liked about it, too. Plus, it keeps you a little removed from the horror of it all.

  11. What a great setup! I really enjoyed Hide, so I think I'd like this one too.

    1. Hide was a lot of fun. Reading this one made me want to go back and read that one again. :D

  12. Sounds really good! I like that it's told as sort of a documentary. I'll have to look this one up. Thanks for the recommend! :)

  13. This sounds like a serious nightmare! I love the documentary style of this one and the premise is terrifying.

  14. This really sounds like it might be hard for me to read, but it also reminds me of World War Z, which I loved.

  15. Fantasticland sounds interesting! World War Z came to mind when you described format of the novel. I enjoyed that one more than I expected, and I'm sure the format was partly why.
