Friday, July 19, 2024

July's bookish art...

Georges D'espagnat -- In the Garden

"If you don't like to read, you haven't found the right book."
--J.K. Rowling.


  1. Kind of disappointed that you chose a JKR quote. While I agree with the sentiment, I don't really like to support her and her work anymore. HP once meant a lot to me and my friends, and it's been very sad to have to give it up. But the type of rhetoric JKR has taken to on her social platforms--plus her added statement that anyone who buys from/supports her also agrees with the things she is saying--isn't something I can support. I think she's actively working to hurt vulnerable communities at the moment and fueling a movement that isn't just anti-LGBTQ but also anti-woman (regardless of their claims to be supporting women's rights).

    I do love the Georges D'espagnat painting, though! Wouldn't you just love to sink into that shady garden and read the day away?

  2. What a wonderful painting. And I have found the right book(s). Sadly, J.K. Rowlings' are not among them.

  3. That's such a gorgeous painting. It looks like a wonderful place to escape to and read a book. I agree with that quote too. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Lark! :D

  4. Lark, I love this quote! Thank you for sharing it :) Wishing you a lovely weekend!

  5. Love the art and the quote. And I agree, with so many books out there, there has to be something for everyone.

  6. I love that quote! That was definitely the case for me. I was a struggling reader until my mom introduced me to the mystery genre.

  7. That's a lovely picture! Some of us have an easier time finding the right book than others. ;-)

  8. I whine about the heat, but the summer is when we have so many blooms and that art reflects that! So pretty! That quote is so true! :)

  9. The painting has me wishing for milder temperatures so I could sit and read outside, too. :)

  10. The quote is perfection :) I love the art as well. Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Brilliant quote. I only ever read one of her books because I'm not into fantasy but she got this spot on. And the art is beautiful, as well, as always.

  12. Beautiful pic and beautiful quote too.

  13. Beautiful art. Reading in the garden :)

  14. Love the picture, but I have an issue with the quote. Much as I love to read, sort of like loving to breath, reading for pleasure is not for everyone. I only say this because I find readers can be cruel about non-readers not loving what they love, which irks me.

    1. BTW, that Anonymous was from me...not sure why I was Anonymous :)

  15. I love the art! I would love to have a print of it in my office. I do find the quote fitting - stories are for everyone! You just have to find the right story and medium for you.
