Sunday, January 12, 2025

January's Bookish Art...


"...what we read is what we are,
or what we are becoming."
--Lynne Sharon Schwartz, Ruined by Reading 

P.S. I'm still having trouble commenting on Wordpress blogs. So, if you haven't seen any comments from me yet this month and I normally do comment on all of your posts...check your spam box. I think that's where my comments have landed. Don't you just love technology gone wrong? 


  1. È proprio vero ciò che leggiamo ci rappresenta

  2. What a great quote! So true! Love the picture too! :)

  3. I really like that quote. I feel like it's true. :-) Have a good week, Lark!

  4. I have to check my spam folder each day because there's always a handful of comments there.

    1. Me, too! And sometimes it's my own comments in my own spam folder. So dumb.

  5. I love the quote, as per usual :)

  6. So pretty and I agree with that quote! I hate it when technology goes wrong! We tried switching our blog over to Wordpress a long time ago but it was too difficult. I like the simplicity of Blogger even though it's a pain sometimes, too! :)

    1. I like the simplicity of Blogger, too. Though I sometimes curse it when it won't do what I want. ;D

  7. Wonderful quote and I really like that picture! Thanks for sharing, Lark!

  8. Love this. Those words are very true!

  9. Such a true quote. I used to get shoved into Wordpress spam boxes on a regular basis, I'm not sure what changed but it doesn't seem to happen so much nowadays.

    1. I never know why I'm sometimes deemed spam, and sometimes not. But it's not great for my self-esteem. ;D

  10. Love the picture - her hair is so chic ( I say that because mine looks like that now that I got a hair cut :)) Also, love the quote! Wishing you a great week!

  11. Beautiful painting. Love that quote too. Have a great week!

  12. Great quote! I'm not so sure about the title of that book, though...

  13. Beautiful picture and beautiful quote. As always.
    And you are not alone, I have problems with WordPress, as well. They tell me I must be logged in but they also ask me whether I want to log out. Get your act together, blogsites.

    1. If only they wouldn't change so much all the time. As I mentioned in one of my monthly posts, there is a German word for this: Verschlimmbessern. Making something worse by wanting to improve it, (worsenbettering).

    2. That's the best word ever! And so apt for what happens every time they update or try to 'improve' something. ;D

    3. They should keep the old version for those who don't want any changes and then have us opt for a new one if we want to. But then most people wouldn't do that and they'd be out of a job.

  14. Lovely painting! The quote is kind of scary, actually, since I read a lot of dark, depressing books. Eek!

  15. Lovely artwork and quote! I read a novel by this author many, many years ago -- I should check out more of her work!

  16. PS - I'm so glad you mentioned your comments going to spam! I rarely remember to check my spam folder... and just found a bunch of your comments there! Thanks so much for pointing that out -- now I'll go see what you said. (Thanks for commenting even when your comments disappear -- that sounds really frustrating)

    1. Thanks for rescuing me from the spam folder! :D

  17. Okay I'm glad you mentioned having trouble with wordpress! It's been driving me crazy. I love the art though I'm not sure about the quote. I read a lot of murder mysteries so I'm not sure I want to become any of that!

    1. lol. I never thought about that. I read a lot of murder mysteries, too. But maybe we're the people in them trying to find the truth and solve the crime! ;D
