Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Wintringham Mystery by Anthony Berkeley

The story:  Having run through his small inheritance, demobbed army officer Stephen Munro is forced to take a job as a footman at Wintringham Hall, the country estate of Lady Susan Carey. It's a bit of a lark, though Stephen quickly discovers he's not really footman material. When Lady Susan decides to throw a party things get even more awkward for Stephen when his old schoolmate, Freddie Venables, shows up as one of the guests along with Stephen's old flame, Pauline Manwaring and her new fiancè, a man Stephen immediately dislikes. Then one of the female guests disappears during a silly parlor game one night and Stephen adds amateur detective to his list of duties. 

My thoughts:  I thoroughly enjoyed this British Library Crime Classic. Stephen has a take-life-with-a-grin attitude that I found endearing. His encounters as a footman, especially with the uptight and strict butler, Martin, and with Freddie and Pauline were very funny. And the mystery of Cecily's disappearance kept everyone in the house guessing. Was it a prank? Or something more nefarious? I liked Pauline's spunk and her back-and-forth banter with Stephen as they investigated things together. There are some fun twists and turns along the way and the obligatory red herrings, too. There's even a bit of romance. All in all, this is a delightfully charming mystery. 5 stars.

Happy Reading!

The other Anthony Berkeley mystery I've read:  The Poisoned Chocolates Case.


  1. I'll have to give this a go as I like the sound of it. Hopefully it'll be third time lucky as the two other books I've read by Anthony Berkeley I've not been all that keen on. Very well written though.

    1. There's just something fun about this one that I really enjoyed. I really liked Stephen and that whole country estate mystery trope is one of my favs.

  2. My library has this book and not too long a wait so I am putting in my order. I do need to read more classic mysteries and Anthony Berkeley is new to me.

    1. This is the second book I've read by him, and my favorite of the two. It's nothing deep, but it is very fun.

  3. I'm much more interested in classic mysteries than contemporary these days. I've been listening to a podcast called Shedunnit that focuses on the Golden Age writers, and I've learned so much from it, and added some books to the TBR! I've also read The Poisoned Chocolate Case, but I think that's the only one by Anthony Berkley. I'll see if the library has this one, it does sound fun.

    1. I really enjoyed it. But then I'm a fan of these classic mysteries. I've been reading one a month this year and it's been so much fun. :D

  4. This does sound like fun. I love the period and enjoy having a lighter mystery to offset some of the darker ones!

    1. I think that's what I like about these classic mysteries...that they're lighter mysteries, and just fun to read. :D

  5. Is this an older book? (I guess yes, if it's a classic mystery). I don't gravitate toward mysteries in general, but I love the sound of the premise, so I think I need to check this one out! Terrific review.

    1. I think this one was written in 1926. It is a fun premise, and I really enjoy the style and humor in these classic mysteries. Plus, Stephen is a great character. :D

  6. I haven't read anything by Anthony Berkeley, but his books do sound fun. I'm glad you enjoyed this one!

    1. It was so fun. And unexpected. I really enjoyed it. :D

  7. I hope Stephen, the footman, gets back with his old flame Pauline all while chasing around leads to the case.

    1. Let's just say there's a happy ending in this one for all the main players. :D

  8. It does sound like a fun read and something light for the "heavy" days of summer.

    1. It's lighthearted and funny. And after a couple of very disappointing thrillers it was just so nice to read a well-written story that didn't disappoint!

  9. I'm impressed by the 5 star rating.

    1. I was just in the mood for something well-written and entertaining and not too serious and this fit the bill. It made me smile and for that I gave it 5 stars. :D

  10. Happy Sunday. Regine

  11. I love a mystery set during this time period and Stephen sounds like a great character. So glad you enjoyed it! :)

    1. I love this time period. And Stephen was great. :D

  12. I like the over, it sounds like a good book! Have a great weekend!

  13. Ooo, that does sound like a good one. Thanks for putting it on my radar, Lark!

    1. It's one of the more humorous and lighthearted British Crime Classic that I've read.

  14. This does sound fun! I hope Stephan and his old flame find their way back to each other while solving the mystery. I think I'd like this one. :)

  15. The Wintringham Mystery sounds good to me.

    1. I really enjoyed it. But then I am a fan of these kinds of classic mysteries. :D

  16. I like the way you describe Stephen's character. And the banter with Pauline seems like it kept a lighter feel to the story. Glad you enjoyed it!

    1. This is a lighter read. I enjoyed Stephen and Pauline's banter and how they worked together throughout the mystery. It was fun.

  17. I'm a sucker for a classic mystery, and this one sounds top notch!

    1. I loved the humor of Stephen becoming of footman and then trying to figure out the truth behind the guest's disappearance. His valet was awesome, too.

  18. Sounds like a super fun read!

  19. Five stars is great! I'm wanting to read more classic mysteries.

    1. I just thoroughly enjoyed this one! It was nice to read a book that made me laugh, kept my interest, and didn't disappoint at the end.

  20. I have read lots of mystery authors from this time period but never this one. This one sounds like fun. I went back and read your review of The Poisoned Chocolates Case. I can see how it might not have appealed to me earlier; multiple people taking stabs at solving a case never appealed to me. But your description makes me want to read it to. So I better start looking for copies of these.

    Actually, I just remembered that Anthony Berkeley also wrote books as Francis Iles, and I read one of those, Malice Aforethought. It was an inverted mystery (which I usually enjoy) but this one was populated by unpleasant characters and I did not really care about any of them. However, it is very well liked by most reviewers, so I was in the minority.

    1. Not every book works for every person. There are lots of books out there that other people loved that I didn't. You have to find the books that work for you. And I didn't know that Berkeley wrote under any other names. I've only read these two by him, but I did like both of them. Especially this one. :D

  21. I read one Anthony Berkeley book years ago and really liked it but had kind of forgotten about him. This sounds wonderful and like a book I'd love! Great review!

  22. I just picked this up from the library yesterday. I commented earlier but it seems to have disappeared. Hopefully this one gets there! Looking forward to this.

    1. I think your previous comment landed on The Poisoned Chocolates Case post instead of this one...who knows why. Blogger is a mystery. Thanks for trying again. And I really hope you like this book. I thought it was a fun read. :D
