Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday...

Top Ten Tuesday is a fun weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's theme is Ten Signs You Know You're Book Lover.

Fun, huh? You should join in. What signs show that you're a bibliophile? Here are mine:

You know you're a Book Lover if.....

1. Your To-Read list is longer than your To-Do list.

2. Your only card that's "maxed out" is your library card.

3. Your bookshelves 'runneth over'...onto your floor, under your bed, stacked next to your chair...

4. At lunchtime, you care more about the book you're reading than the food you're eating.

5. You talk about your favorite characters like they're close, personal friends.

6. You'd rather buy books than shoes.

7. Your hardest packing decision when going on a trip is not only which books to bring, but how many you can fit in your suitcase.

8. Your decorating style of choice is Bookshelf Chic.

9. You don't have one favorite book (or author), you have many.

10. Sometimes you wish everyone around you would just shut up and let you read in peace.

Happy Reading!


  1. Heh, maxing out library cards is fun.

    My TTT .

  2. Cute and clever list, Lark! I love this and agree with every point!

  3. I feel so seen by this list lol

    1. It's nice to know there are so many other people out there like me. :)

  4. Those are all great signs! I agree with all of them, particularly 1, 3 and 9.

    1. I never know what to say when people ask me what my favorite book is, or who my favorite author is. I can't choose just one! ;D

  5. Very nice, Lark! I totally agree and think I've confused people more than once by doing #5. LOL

  6. Ha ha. I totally feel you on ALL of these. The "maxed out" comment made me LOL. So very true, although my credit cards tend to show a *few* bookish transactions :)

    Happy TTT!

    1. Mine do, too. (Especially now that my library is closed!) :D

  7. Ha ha! All of them so true. And not just shoes...I can't be bothered to shop for anything but books.

  8. Right before the coronavirus epidemic closed our libraries and hustled over and checked out nine books. I love my public library. What a bargain. Books for free! I am a book lover

    1. Libraries are the best! I'm really missing mine. :(

  9. Yes, there are times I wish people would just stop talking. I hope my card never maxes out because my one library allows 100 loans plus Overdrive and Hoopla. And then I have to other libraries I use as well.

    1. Sounds like you'd be drowning in books if you ever did max out your library card. :D

  10. Yes to all of these! Especially #10. It never fails that when I'm in the middle of a really good book, I'm constantly being interrupted. I try to be understanding, but there's definitely sometimes when I just want to scream. :)

  11. So much yes to all of this, especially #3. I say it's proof that my TBR has officially gained sentience and beginning its plight for world domination. xD And ugh, #10 is a MOOD. Most often my mood lol.

    Here's my TTT post.

  12. I can relate to sooo many of these. and #10 just made me laugh!!

  13. Oh boy, that's a yes to every single one!!!

  14. All true of me. And you try telling people you write a bookblog... LOL!!!

    1. :D Do you get strange looks when you say that, too?

  15. Ha! Maxed out library card! Good job!

  16. This all sounds like me!!! When people find out that I like to read they always ask me my favorite book or author. I don't have just one!!

    1. It's impossible to choose just one book or author. There's too many good ones out there that I love.

  17. I totally nodded my way through this, but OMG, no 7 -- I spent a couple of years travelling around and I always made sure I had space for a books series I adored -- The Dark is Rising by Susan Cooper. That was my happy space, even if I was moving around.

  18. A wonderful and clever list. My favorite is Bookshelf Chic! A room with out booksin it just doesn't seem right to me. :D

    1. I so agree! I don't know how people live without books in their house. :)

  19. My bookshelves definitely runneth over.

  20. I feel very called out on #3. I had to start forming a book tower on the floor next to my bookshelf awhile back because they won't fit anywhere else...and whenever I get library books, they have to get stacked on the floor next to my bed... Also #9. I've never understood how people could always just have one favorite book or author! All of these are so relatable; great list!

    1. I have a small book tower next to my bed, right beside my library book bag, which also has a tendency to overflow. :)

  21. Hi Lark, Great list. Unfortunately when lunch time comes around I am as interested in the food as the book. I wish it were otherwise.

    1. :D I mostly want food that I can easily eat while I read.

  22. My bookshelves have runneth over for many years! I'm having a storage crisis at the moment!!! I never buy shoes-in fact I ditched my wardrobe to fit another bookcase in its place! And a big yes to number ten! I'M READING, GO AWAY!!!

    1. Right? :D I need to fit in another bookcase in my house somewhere so I can buy some more books.

  23. Mmm...I can relate to just about all of that.

    1. Seems to be a lot of us booklovers out there. :)

  24. So much yes to this post! Right now, in particular #10! I'm working from home luckily but I feel like I'm working non-stop every waking hour. I need some me time to just read! :)

    1. It's a good way to recharge your batteries, that's for sure.

  25. Yes to every one of these! Most definitely yes.
