Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Two quick recommendations...


All Systems Red by Martha Wells

There's so much to like about this science fiction novella:  good writing, humor, a bit of mystery, and lots of action. But the best part is the SecUnit construct known as Murderbot. His snarky thoughts and his sometimes awkward interactions with his human clients totally made me smile. He's another new favorite character. Now I just need to read the rest of the series. (And that kind of bookish math is so typical of my entire TBR list--finish reading one book, add five more to the list.)

Western Lane by Chetna Maroo

How do I describe this one? This short, well-written novel is a story of grief and growing up, of three sisters and their father after the death of their mother, and the way they use the game of squash to cope and connect. It's an introspective novel, told from the youngest daughter's POV, lyrical in places, but melancholic, too. And I'm still trying to decide if I liked it, or not. But I did really like Sam's Review over at Book Chase, which is what made me want to read this one in the first place. 

Happy Reading!


  1. Thanks friend. Love it.

  2. I love that Murderbot has snarky thoughts. LOL

  3. I'm planning on Western Lane because I still play squash pretty regularly, but my library is still messed up. One of these days! I went & checked out Sam's review, which I hadn't seen.

    1. I think you'll like Western Lane. It is a well-written book, and quietly thoughtful if that makes sense.

  4. I've seen Martha Wells books everywhere lately and I think that's a sign I need to try them! I'm not much on scifi but I do love the sound of Murderbot.

    1. His narrative voice is so great, you can't help but like him. And it doesn't take long to read this novella, but oh it's worth it. :D

  5. Replies
    1. He's the best! These are books I think I need to own. :D

  6. I loved All Systems Red. Murderbot is awesome! :)

    1. He gets even better in the books that follow! I just finished reading the second novella and I love him even more. :D

  7. I loved that first Murderbot book too, and yeah, I'm the same, read one book, buy five. LOL

    1. It's bookish arithmetic...unlike any other kind of math. ;D

  8. Western Lane sounds interesting. I love Murderbot and can't wait to read more of the series. It's funny because in my mind, when I was reading the first book, I kept thinking of Murderbot as female, even knowing the character doesn't have a gender. It'll be interesting to see how Alexander Skarsgård does in the role in the screen series. He doesn't fit my imagine of the Murderbot at all.

    1. You're right, Murderbot could be female. I never thought of that. I always pictured him as male, so I can kind of see Skarsgard playing him. It'll be interesting to see what they do with this series and if they can pull it off.

  9. I can relate to your bookish math :) -- mine works the same way! I liked Murderbot too -- I read the first 3 (maybe 4?) novellas, but then never ended up going back to the story, and I probably should.

    1. I'm really enjoying Murderbot. I've read the second novella now, and can't wait to check out the third. :D

  10. Even though I don't read a lot of sci-fi, that novella sounds fun. I appreciate snarky and awkward. Western Lane sounds amazing.

  11. I know next to nothing about squash, but the way the grief story is woven with it does have me curious to pick up the book.

    Adore Murderbot, too.

    Sophia Rose

    1. Murderbot is so great. And there's a lot to like about Western Lane.

  12. I read All Systems Red a while back, but didn't continue because the audios were pricy for novellas I just realized now my library as added them so at some point I'd like to continue the story. Yes, I have that kind of bookish math going on, too! Lol! :)

  13. All Systems Red is one I have been wanting to read for sometime now.

    1. It's so good. I hope you get a chance to read it this year.

  14. I've been meaning to read Martha Wells! I think SciFi works so well in novella form, short and snappy, and Wells's stuff looks great. Maybe 2024 will finally be the year!

    1. I highly recommend All Systems Red. It reads fast and it's very addictive!

  15. I agree, Sam's review of Western Lane made me want to read it too, which I did. It seems I liked it better than you and I'm glad that character had squash otherwise she would've been more sad.

    1. I thought it was very interesting...it just left me feeling a little cold at the end. But I'm glad I read it.
